6因为可能一年一千人次左右访问量的保加利亚男排,其中百分之八九十都是奔着kaziyski和sokolov这两个保加利亚男排人气最高的两位队员来的------虽然kaziyski已经宣布退出国家队了。俱乐部比赛几乎所有人都懒得看,而本人时间充裕起码意甲trentino场场不拉,在此大概说下两位球员目前的情况,其中sokolov是顺带的,因为不知道土鸡联赛直播在哪儿看。。。 首先是kaziyski,先发kaziyski回到trentino之前的一则采访: “There were many interesting offers from Italy, Russia, T
3@亚洲的太阳 你妈了个逼
1转自volleycountry The favorites are winning in Doha. However that does not mean that we are witnessing a boring tournament. Only in the opening game in the pool A, between Sada Cruzeiro (Brazil) and Tigres UANL (Mexico) the winners achieved their aim easily. Brazilians made use of their experience and excellent skills and young team from Mexico wasn’t able to stop Wallace de Souza and his teammates. The strong serve and spike were main factors why Sada Cruzeiro won that game without the effort. Mexicans still got to learn a lot to gain more experience and become more self-confident. Wallac
8Before the last match between Trento and Macerata it has been announced that Matey Kazijski will stay in Itas at least till 2015. We are very happy that Matey decided to stay with us for the next 3 years - said the president of Trentino Volley Diego Mosna. Kazyjski added: I am also glad that this cooperation will be going and we managed to work out a good agreement. The president wanted to make a surprise for our fans and he announced this news just before our game with Macerata, but it was set up much earlier. I can say I had some other offers from different clubs, so I needed some time to ma
39目前TRENTINO8轮过后一20分落后第一名MACRRATA1分排在第二名,相比于往年,进的A1联赛竞争更加激烈,Latina 和VIBO今年的展现黑马本色。分别排在3、6位,老牌强队cuneo和modena今年表现不佳,分别只排在5、8位。piacenza今年因为有西蒙的加入,现在稳居第4位,估计后面还有上升的趋势。
0S: Diana Nenova, Laura Kitipova, Cvetelina Nikolova Opp: Emiliya Nikolova MBs: Strashimira Filipova, Cvetelina Zarkova, Christina Ruseva, Gabriela Koeva, Mira Todorova OHs: Elitsa Vasileva, Dobriana Rabadzhieva, Mariya Karakasheva, Desislava Nikolova, Gergana Dimitrova L: Mariya Filipova, Ivelina Monova, Patriciya Yoncheva, Zhana Todorova 没有在莫斯科与日本打过球的Yaneva,正牌接应Emiliya Nikolova还伤了,疑似要让Desislava Nikolova打接应。 3个Nikolova,2个Todorova(经证实,两Todorova是姐妹),2个Filipova。 保加利亚人重名率真高。 @Tsvetanso
2Coach: 1. Radostin Stoychev (Trentino Volley – Men*, Bulgaria Men’s NT) – 49.49% 2. Nayden Naydenov (Bulgaria Men’s NT, Marek Union-Ivkoni Dupnitsa – Men) - 19.93% 3. Marcello Abbondanza (Bulgaria Women’s NT) – 9.25% 4. Georgi Petrov (Levski Volley Sofia – Men, Bulgaria Men’s NT) – 8.46% 5. Yuliya Ivanova (CSKA Sofia – Women) – 6.08% 6. Ivan Petkov (Maritsa Plovdiv – Women, Bulgaria Women’s NT) – 3.80% 7. Dragan Nesic (Galatasaray Istanbul – Women) – 2.98% Female: 1. Elitsa Vasileva (Bulgaria NT, Norda Foppapedretti Bergamo) – 30.93% 2. Strashimira Filipova
64@kevinjbh 身形比他好吗? 照一张放上来看看吧! 嘻嘻3希望保加利亚男排越来越好!5球队数量将由以前的16支增加到18支,共按照世界排名分为3个小组: Pool A: Brazil (WR1), Poland (WR4), USA (WR5), Bulgaria (WR8), Argentina (WR9) and France (WR16) Pool B: Russia (WR2), Italy (WR3), Cuba (WR6), Serbia (WR7), Germany (WR10), Iran (WR14) Pool C: Canada (WR18), Korea (WR22), Finland (WR31), the Netherlands (WR41), vacancy 1*, vacancy 2*. 其中AB两组前三名,和C组第一名外加东道主进入总决赛。 小组赛将于明年5月31日打响,历时5周,总决赛于7月16到21号举行。 那两个候补名额,以后再定,中国希望不大71The former captain of the men's national volleyball team of Bulgaria Vladimir Nikolov will be the new manager of the team, said the federation. It was approved for the job of today's Board of the Federation , and thus justified lingering speculation in the media that he will be part of the team Camillo Cry. The former international, who is still an active volleyball player will take his new role in the spring of 2013, after completing his commitments in Turkey. We recall that this season Vlado Nikolov Turkish Galatasaray play as a libero teammate Teodoro Salparov 这就意味着他要退役了12希望大家能够积极跟进,可能大家目前都把主要精力集中在了卡车和索科洛夫等少数主力球员身上。此吧既然是有关保加利亚男排的贴吧,自然也少不了其它球队的消息,尽管消息可能会相对较少,但是我会尽力更新。希望大家可以积极参与,这样也给我更新的动力。(图片、赛程、赛果均可)。7FIVB最近确认了2014年波兰男排世锦赛的比赛时间和城市,不过只是一个初略的时间,没有详细的赛程。 比赛时间为2014年9月3日到21日,历时19天,应该是史上历时时间最长的男排世锦赛了吧。 比赛城市有6个分别是:Gdansk, Wroclaw, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Lodz ,Krakow 我其实有点迫不及待的想看世锦赛在波兰举行了,太喜欢那种氛围了。不过还有2年。。。13一楼给度娘,防吞152013年保加利亚同波兰、巴西、美国、阿根廷和法国分在A组,前三名进入总决赛,出线形式不容乐观。而通过保加利亚体育网上的消息,保加利亚的小组赛赛程初步确定,如下: 第一周:6月7号到9号在美国站,城市未定。 第二周:6月14号到16号在巴西站,城市未定。 第三周:6月21到23号在法国站,城市未定。 第四周:6月28号到30号回到主场,在索菲亚 Arena Armecc 体育馆举行(也就是今年的WL总决赛举办场馆) 第五周:7月3号到5号在波兰站。13@kevinjbh11现在准备正式回归,哪怕每天只更新一个帖子也好,只要我有时间就一定来,希望@银狐tq @TsvestanSokolov @IC咖啡海 等也回归,贴吧需要你们6晨跑去了 呼呼6此行包括了TRENTINO的高层管理和所有球员,在带去慰问的同时,向此癌症治疗中心捐赠了一点数量的善款,同时呼吁更多的社会好心人士去关注这群特殊的人群。 二楼上图13我很荣幸能选上本吧吧主,虽然本吧很小,但是由于种种原因,仅凭我一人之力管理本吧会有疏漏的时候,所以本吧诚聘3名小吧主,条件如下: 1、热爱保加利亚男排 2、每天都有时间来贴吧,在线时间不限。 3、能够在大吧不在之时维护本吧秩序。 4、尽自己的最大努力为吧友提供相关新闻、资料等。 最后希望大家踊跃报名2决胜局11比4被逆转。确实有点力不从心5被封禁2年之久的古巴名将西蒙和莱尔即将复出。其中西蒙将代表意甲的PIACENZA打比赛,莱尔将代表巴西的俱乐部sada打世俱杯。 Robertlandy Simon and Jo2如请大家看到广告回复你,请删之!95我每天连封带删外加举报,都搞不过这些发广告的。求求各位广告大神,本吧庙小容不下你们,你们还是另请高就吧