0经核实吧主彼岸90后 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 徐玉聪吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5终于有些事情淡了 认识一个人 到熟悉一个人 到爱上一个人需要多久的时间 也许只要一秒 一个月 还是一年 十年 甚至一生 情爱纷扰 我忧虑过多了 明知是
0once i heard the best date times in one's life are three 1st one ignorant second one remember to the end of one's life 3rd time the whole li
0the only one in my inner mind wouldnt be buried that is talent perhaps include passion thanks for our meeting Joel If u want, I will be alwa
2Now I'm sitting in the library What surrounds my ear is Taylor's songs cold as you I don't know why I'm down the mood to try to recite anyth
1now he is another foreigner i know besides ewa am really happy in spite of i cant understand him totally and talk to them normally but i sti
4不动声色。 悄悄地,又大摇大摆的来。 总是那样。 昏暗迷蒙的光打在脸上 沉默不语 原来相望也是如此 暖暖的慵懒 贴着手臂绵绵的惺忪 而那感觉就是这样
0thats damn easy to shatter my fantasy and expectation on you you are not worthwhile at all lets wait and see bytch
0im head over heals for him.神魂颠倒 gaze at=stare at
1i cant control myself to click into our chatting page So that is what it is, am so mean I try to stir yr passion on our talking but well, i
0很久没有用中文写点东西了,忽然很想念这种象形字体。 如果说我怀念你的是什么 当初的那种怦然心动 Flipped 八月的晨光里 你我相识于此 千篇一律的对
0Lover is too much and stressful ,but still keep moonstruck recently And I feel we are really done this time. So far away,not only physical d
0It's not a very long story started with simple and short random messages. As countless human meet on net ,nothing is kinda different. But it
3Mete Alemdar , my noble Turkish-French Muslim . Since the day we met , everything become meaningful in my life . While u gotta leave , nothi
2好久不见 你还好吗
014天假期 除了去爬山!其他时间一定要学术学术 为了偶小小的心愿~哼哼