23虽然只写了一点,但还是放吧 二楼放文,文字被删,就放图
28脑洞大开的收养梗,文笔不好之处,见谅 此处设定小虫父母是在神盾局工作的特务,在一次任务中双双毙命,史总年龄设定二三十,大盾刚从冰里出来,这个时间对不上的话,我也无能为力,毕竟单纯萌cp,没怎么补 ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc ooc 1. “我们很快就会回来,Peter,你先在你梅婶和本叔叔那里住几天,” “那你们什么时候回来?” “等我们忙完事情,就来接你,” “Oh……” 年幼的Peter,失望的应了一句,随后,他带问
37首發在AO3(沒辦法那裏比較不容易被吞) Fandom: Avengerswith Spider-man Relationships: Steve Rogers/Peter Parker, TonyStark/Peter Parker Rating: R (Talk a little about sex,but I'll mention it when I write pornthings.) Summary: Peter thought he wasn'ton Cap's team, but he's wrong. And Tonyfound he was in trouble. A/N: They are all idiots andOOC actually. Don't take it too serious.
18Fandom: Spider-man,Captain America (Secret identities) Relationships: Steve Rogers “&”Peter Parker (Pre-slash) Rating: PG Summary: Petermessed up the day. Even a smile from strangers could save him. A/N: Icame across with someone unknown on the MRT today.
6废话不多说, 二楼放授权。
12Fandom: Spider-man, Captain America, Avengers Relationships: Steve Rogers/Peter Parker Rating: NC17 Summary: There’sno need of summaries for a PWP. Anyway, Peter and Steve are lovers, but Steveis not a virgin. A/N: Justa PWP, don’t ask why. Probably after You will Never Know.
8好吧,这次还是我在乐乎的小段子, 废话不多说,二楼发文
3这个吧真的好冷,我还是来定期暖吧发粮吧...... 二楼放授权