26-3就开始挂 7-7连挂三次 估计到8-2就Game Over了
0经核实吧主路德维治兄 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 路德维治大城堡吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2DOS 3.30安装成功
0The Betrayor is not me, but him. I hope he will pay for it one day.
0I should ignore it.
1私は、対戦することはありません。 ただし、ミラタワーv2.51は本当に私に予想外の悪影響をもたらした。 私はこの存在を望みません!
7三十六计,走为上计 但是,鄙人不希望你把我从塔吧甚至从整个百度贴吧将鄙人击退
3本作是鄙人第2代正式作品,跳票率极高,预告什么的看看就行…… 魔塔类型:蓝海共轭魔塔,实质相当于共用一个前半部分的2个魔塔 预计层数:40~43/40~43 预计开工时间:2016.7~ 预计发布时间:2016.10~ 怪物能力:除极端能力怪物,和黑龙魔塔3A相当 剩下的,无可奉告
0The gap between an ordinary person and a fairy. It's even greater than that of a next-door kid.
0Seven times in total...
0She kicked me on purpose just because an accidental typo! As far as I know, she's fierce now due to her improper comments. I have no mor
0就是因为家长不小心说错了一句话给点了火而已,本身并没有对鄙人构成太大打击。 事实上,这个起点应
32月4日发布的黑龙3A,因为有一些明显的缺点导致差点沦为烂塔 下面细述其原因
0The Fatalis MT 3A is neither a tech demo nor a beta version, however, still disqualified according to the newest standard (though it was actually SURVIVED). And somebody said that was actually "barely-qualified", it still strong enough to knock me out of the MT bar. They said that the experts today had a lot of severely-disqualified towers and those were deleted. However, I still felt extremely terrible today. What about my future-released MT? I should take more time to consider whether I give up it or not. The aim is drained by 140 serious points.
1Attack the D while defend the G
1估计鄙人的3A很可能被删 如果被删的话,嗯……鄙人可能会永远地退出塔吧……
2I'm NOT discriminating the Sunshine Group. I just want to avoid the explosion. According to the current situation, the Sunshine bar (NOT
0At a past bar.
74@阻激夹域 听说你拆2015VB拆除8位数了?
1Bad Result: I'll be sweared by'em or their fans. Normal Result: Nothing will happen. Worst Result I: This bar or SMS bar, or probably Mario Mario bar will be exploded. Worst Result II: My current ID or another ID will be destructed directly or indirectly by'em.
17The MT bar is REALLY not designed for only experts, that's right. However, their first MT are even better than my 3rd one. They're able to survive but I'm NOT. And, after released the new MT, I always receive bad impact, critical hit and unbearable perssure. I tried to discuss, but I had no right to do that and of course, that was all in vain. And I'm not almost knocked out of the whole Tieba. Now I realized, the experts are born genius while I'm born 255th-classed. No one can help me. Also, the next MT which will be released in 2017 is cancelled.
2When I knew some facts about Bluets, I received nothing but critical hit, critical hit and critical hit. And the fact that she's a "next-door kid" nerfed my defence. Thus, I had to kick her out of my friend list. And other experts may had the similar fate. Or I'll be knocked out of the whole Internet world!
0说真的,我到现在才知道,蓝晶是塔吧三神之一 然后我想起了黑龙3的剧情,里面称蓝晶是触(没记错的话),还是叫低了…… 不得不承认鄙人严重低估了她……
1塔吧标准太高了……鄙人完全没有能力达到那个标准…… 我在考虑是否发在宝贝51吧或者简称堕天使吧之类的地方,或者直接发在鄙人的个人贴吧 顺便说下和前作相比的变更点: 除个别楼层外路线并不唯一 新增能力商店,3层已确定存在,地下还未确定 魔塔地图数大幅度减少,一共有+10/-10层外加里区1图,剧情1~3图 最终Boss变更(很可能是中级魔王),实力上于前作2区Boss
10“别人家孩子” 爱装清高
0为什么我对59 59 966这个字段反应大?
0到底怎么回事……? 记得这里还出现过女神来着……