1融入真的很难,干脆不要好了,可是别人也许没有恶意的一句话,街道结伴的情侣或者朋友不经意的一瞥,对我来说都是煎熬。 还是钱好,总是不变的,我似乎能同意我爸说过类似无情的话,虽然我总是不认为我的物质需求很高,但是我总是在一种缺钱的状态,基本的健康开销是无法避免的。在这个安全感逐渐消失,精神压力增加的年代,每次我对我妈问卡里钱还能够明天油钱吗或者看医生,我妈说够的时候我感到是幸福。
1昨天选举的时候想到julian assange我又开始想有的没的 然后邻居是个修电脑的不知道是电波还是脑控还是怎么的 那 electronic buzz 音调为G 早上6点开始到很晚!很静的时候会不时的开始,我朋友说是从窗外传来的 我不是精神病吧
0在一个2人间3床的unit,一个男不正常同志和一个正常男生,以及前者的正常母亲和先天智障的妹妹,还有我,the worst thing is, they all can swim except me. ahhhhh! thank god im out of the place.
0今天一整天都在学校呆 我想,我到底要怎样,才不会失去,或者后悔 要是我有eric cartman的心态就好了
1对人类身体最大的敌人,so much easier said than done
2不然我以后的日子就都得和insulin为伴了 后天先天真是一半一半啊
2我越来越觉得做饭需要和做化学实验一样严肃的精神,一点比例都不可以马虎,昨天做了chicken paella, 我不就是没有dry white wine,放多了chicken stock,难吃的一比
1Great Tasting Juice. I have it for breakfast And dinner 5 days a week. 1 Peeled Lime 3 Oranges 1 Handful Of Blueberries 1/2 Cucumber 4 Carrots 1 Beet 1 Celery Stalk 1 Handful Of Spinach
01. What you eat2. How much you sleep3. How much you exercise.4. Anemia5. Deficiencies in key nutrients,6. Thyroid problems.7. Diabetes.8. Depression.9. Sleep problems.10. Undiagnosed heart disease.
25刚买了车票,准备开始将近一个月的行程。。。 定旅馆真是头疼,没有信用卡,旅游旺季很多时候可能只能露宿街头么 目前计划的 brussels-paris-milano-geneva-zurich-prague-berlin-copenhagen-stockholm-oslo-trondheim-bodo 本来就贫瘠的钱包会瘦哭
2Mama? Yeah, Mamma (gasp) Mamma, Mamma, Mamma! Hahah Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Yeah! Mamma, Yohoo Mamma, Yuhoo, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Dadda? Dadda! Easy come, easy go, will you let me go? Na! Na, Na na na na Let me throw Nam nam! We will not let you throw Let me blow Nam nam! We will not let you blow Let me joke (Do not like your jokes) Let me joke (Do not like your jokes) Let me joke, ha ha ha No, no, no, no, no, no, no (Vernehy, vernhey) Mama Mia, let me go Does anyone know if there is a part for me, for me, for me! So they tell us this video's going to fly All I
3http://www.psmag.com/business-economics/economic-trouble-for-gra http://www.smh.com.au/business/world-business/young-educated-wit http://www.roymorgan.com/morganpoll/unemployment/estimates-detai @驴控
1The Echelon Effect part 3 http://theecheloneffect.bandcamp.com/album/seasons-part-3
13It is not something you can control sometimes, like you accidentally fell over, or poured boiled water over yourself. No matter how much you ve spent analyzing pros and cons of how things are going to work, they just turn out like diarrhea in the form of herpes. Some people can take it easy but i can't which is a problem. why taking shit so seriously? Because I don't understand the universal rule of "life is not fair"? Because each of us has our own way that it becomes a barrier? Because you ve lost your feelings when i start being crazy? No my gay friend says i ramble too much and does not ma
6哎几百块就这么没了 我真想死 俺妈要哭了
3He: Did it hurt? She: Did what hurt? He: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because your face is really fucked up.
3@Pink I'm ready with my Bomb. Time to blow up #RodLaverArena. Bitch. 这个网络世界太可怕了
5居然一次都没出去旅游过。 买了个类似欧洲通之类的火车票,准备到北极圈内逛逛
1当初你不爱我 你的声音是那么甜美 你的眼里充满了笑意 你的双手纤细温柔 后来你爱上了我 你的声音变得苦涩 你的眼里充满了泪水 你的双手僵硬乾涸 这是多么的令人悲伤 因为爱使你变得 不再可爱
11你是不是基佬! 如果不是请勿回复
1但我不敢说, 丧尸跑的速度越来越快 我的眼睛要被效果闪瞎了 因为brad pitt主演 因为brad pitt 主演 因为brad pitt 主演 因为brad pitt 主演 因为brad pitt 主演 因为brad pitt 主演 因为brad pitt 主演 所以9/10 真的有那么看头 猩猩帅哥
3我晕糊里糊涂买了22块澳币50克的white rose FML有什么看法 @驴控 我在茶 吧看看 结果我觉得中国的茶也好贵啊,好像比cannbis还贵 穷人要哭了