3如题 http://arsenie.net/
1最近在多米上看了他的my heart 的MV。感觉超high,可是搜不到他其他的歌。。
116还可以在'MAP"那一栏, 去设置自己的地址, 然后偶发现, CHINA, 居然就俺一个人..................... http://forum.arseniums.com/index.ph1也欢迎arsi粉丝加入~21楼留给arsenie003现在好像也是他发展的最好啊。可见人家也是实力非凡的啊。0还有多少人记得ARS呢1全07~09的贴子~你们都把这个吧给忘了?!3Arsenie Todiras was born July 22, 1983 in Moldova, city of Chisinau. Arsenie spent fine childhood near to the remarkable parents, loving sister, which as speaks Arsenie: " the Best in the world" and the good friends. His parents gave him chance to choose himself a way of life. " They allow me to solve itself what to make with my life, but their advice were always very useful " The majority of music which he listened, was Russian. " I grow with the Russian music, speak Arsenie.,-Then I had only one fan - my little sister ". He started to write own songs when he was 15, and it has grasped him6好棒好棒的一首歌!! 上去utube找一下吧 这里不能post utube的连结=_=!1他的新歌Nu ma mai cauta出来了4我只能说他真的非常。。。HOT。。。2留下点人烟吧... 小小的踩一脚3明天7月21日 他生日唷!! 在官方粉丝会已经做好了生日礼物罗^^4我很喜欢arsenie啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我决定申请吧主,不然你太辛苦了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1http://forum.arseniums.com/ 大家可以上去讨论一下1好像中世纪童话中的王子, 而且还有磁性的声音0他们都弄N个网站做什么呀 怪分散的 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile2希腊神话中的战神!好爱你,ARSENIE!1太性感了0磁性的声音28DDT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGKQbCNUdjA DCPC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFY4U8FkkUs&feature=related00`感谢 啊``` MS CY 多发点 可惜只有一首7Arsenium现在在那?结婚了么?在干什么?好想知道啊,有谁能告诉我!!!!!……0发不上来3最近陆续出现有几首Arsi的新歌:Summerboy,Bang Bang,Minimum,超级正点的说XD,所以"可能"冬天会出新大碟:)0I love arsi so much :) 来帮轻Sai姐的负担:)16http://www.arsenium.ro/ 罗马尼亚的官网