2Reported by CCP Eterne
0There have been many fitting tools put together for DUST 514. And while they have been quite good and useful, they have mostly been Google Docs spreadsheets. Plus, there were additional hangups with having exact item stats and the like. But G Torq has been working on a new fitting tool and has released it into open beta.Dust.Thang.Dk is looking to become the premiere fitting tool for DUST 514! History Earlier this year, G Torq decided he needed a small hobby project to keep his mind sharp and maintain skills he doesn’t use in his regular work. Playing DUST, he had seen the aforementioned Goo
10厌倦了铺天盖地的水贴钓鱼贴充斥眼球? 厌倦了无穷无尽的卖萌卖肉把贴吧当微博? 这里是dust514er吧 我们抵制一切形式的水贴钓鱼贴卖萌贴 我们欢迎一切有关游戏内容技术文化的相关讨论 无论你爱或不爱 dust514er吧一直都在这里 静静地等待着你的到来 水货的福利:贴吧基础建设期间不受以上内容限制
0There are a number of DUST 514 players out there who are producing great video content. Many of them have their specialties. Some focus on the lighter side of things, others are masters of piloting dropships, others tackle anything and everything about the game. Anything can spark a new video series and more. One of the newer series to come onto the scene has been Nuts and Bolts with Ghazbaran. History Ghazbaran has long been an aficionado of the plasma cannon. But when he started using it, he noticed no one had made any serious videos about its use. It being his favorite weapon, he decided to
0Immortal soldiers of New Eden! The Uprising 1.6 update is coming on 5 November, and with it we are focusing on adding important details, tweaks, and fixes to lay the groundwork for the upcoming and substantial content in Uprising 1.7 in December. We’ve already shared a lot of information regarding Uprising 1.7, and in order to implement its significant vehicle changes, introduce new weapons and equipment - plus a lot more - Uprising 1.6 needs to get us to the point where we are ready for the major deployment that is 1.7. So what exactly is in Uprising 1.6? First, dropsuit changes: We’ve i
1Reported by CCP Eterne
0For as long as man has walked upon the ground, he has also looked into the air and wished to soar through it. In DUST 514, mercenaries don't use something as mundane as a plane or helicopter to fly. Instead they pilot dropships, allowing them to quickly move their squads across the battlefield for fast deployments, or to lay down covering fire and assault hard-to-reach locations. Perhaps the preeminent dropship pilot in New Eden is Judge Rhadamanthus, who shares his experience and wisdom with others in a series of popular instructional videos. History Judge, like many other current DUST mercs,
1Reported by CCP Wolfman
1Reported by CCP FoxFour
4Reported by CCP Eterne
2我的好哥哥准许我把电脑搬回来了 大水13吧主 @秋将至JIN 快来看啊
3Reported by CCP LogicLoop
1Reported by CCP Greyscale
2Reported by CCP FoxFour
2eported by CCP FoxFour
1你没看错……CCP也来搞双倍了 Reported by CCP Frame
1Reported by CCP Eterne
0Dear players, We are proud to announce that we are co-hosting the Prime League Tournament, the first open tournament in DUST 514, with UrgentFury; an accomplished online organizer in the console FPS scene. Mordu's Challenge has been completed and the cloned mercenaries have proven their mettle to Mordu's Legion and their eccentric founder Muryia Mordu. Now the Legion wants to take it one step further. Which of these new independent mercenary corporations is really the best? Could they stand toe-to-toe with the Legion? In order to figure out who the best of the best are, the Legion is now spons
22Reported by CCP Wolfman
0*UPDATED TOURNAMENT DATES BELOW* Mercenaries, soldiers, immortals! With the Uprising 1.2 update upon us, it’s a better time than ever to get your boots on the ground and unholster your weapons! We’ve got a number of great events in store for you in July and August which will allow you to earn some awesome rewards. And it all starts with the… Triple SP Event Starting on July 4 and ending on July 10, we will be hosting a Triple Skill Point Event for all players who log in to play. During the event period your skill point cap will be tripled and your skill booster bonuses are stacked with t
0Sometimes a mercenary wants to take a break from the killing. Kick back, relax in his mercenary quarters, pop open a can of Quafe, and relax while watching the video screen. And what, pray tell, do they watch? For an immortal clone soldier, the old holoreel standards just don't have that oomph. So they flip over to the latest live streams of the wars, footage captured by mercenaries as they do the killing. See some other poor sucker take a Charged Scrambler Rifle blast to the face. In DUST 514, one of the up-and-coming streamers is RND Jungian, who has produced quite a number of live streams a
0泥煤度娘不让发 http://dust514.com/news/blog/2013/07/balancing-the-conquest-of-p
2One of the more popular player-made features in EVE Online is the ever-changing Verite Influence Maps, which charts the sovereignty of various alliances in New Eden. When DUST 514 introduced Planetary Conquest, it brought the ability for mercenaries to lay claim to territory of their own. However, much as with EVE, DUST players wanted a quick and easy way to find out what was changing in their universe. From this desire emerged DUSTReports.com, which aims to be the number one resource for the charting the continual war over Molden Heath (and eventually beyond). History DUST Reports began when
2Weapon Ranges With Uprising 1.2 the long-awaited changes to the range system are finally in game! Previously, weapons had an optimal and maximum range. Unfortunately, at its max range a weapon would simply stop doing damage. This is bad for a whole host of reasons and we’ve addressed this by giving all handheld weapons an optimal, effective and absolute range. Up to the optimal range a weapon will do 100% damage (shield/armor profiles notwithstanding) and then drop off slowly towards its effective range at which point it will do around 30% damage. Damage drops further from effective range to
3Mercenaries, soldiers, immortals! With the Uprising 1.2 update upon us, it’s a better time than ever to get your boots on the ground and unholster your weapons! We’ve got a number of great events in store for you in July and August which will allow you to earn some awesome rewards. And it all starts with the… Triple SP Event Starting on July 4 and ending on July 10, we will be hosting a Triple Skill Point Event for all players who log in to play. During the event period your skill point cap will be tripled and your skill booster bonuses are stacked with the triple skill point reward. Don
4在我最近看到的信息中我得到几点认识: (1)在视频中DUST514的玩家是在与EVE玩家签订战争合同才可以进行大规模战役。 (2)从战事激烈的程度来看想取得战争的胜利必定要DUST玩家与EVE玩家的密切配合。 (3)在我印象里好像DUST玩家在非战争期间内自主活动范围很小吧(本人没玩过DUST,所以并不清楚DUST的个人任务系统。所以请谅解。) 以上三点是就是我觉得需要增加机能的地方,对此我有以下几点小提议。(请广大战友补充、纠错) (1)除了战争合同、个人任务
2Double the threat with two light weapons The Commando dropsuit is a versatile combat unit able to react to battlefield threats as they emerge. Built using a repurposed heavy frame, the suit is designed for maximum offensive flexibility. This streamlined frame does away with extraneous armor, using the augmented power of the exoskeleton to shoulder the weight of two light-class weapons such as assault rifles, scrambler rifles and shotguns. The Commando is arguably the most situational role we’ve created to date. Designed for versatility, its ability to carry two light weapons opens up a numbe
3Our always evolving DUST community! Now that Uprising is out and Uprising 1.1 deployed, the DUST 514® development team is hard at work on more improvements to the game. I'd like to briefly touch on Uprising 1.2, but also walk you through the content we’ll be focusing on over the next 6 months – including the brand-new Commando dropsuit class. Rapid-fire updates We listen to your feedback, as well as to feedback from the media. As a result, we have decided to move into a faster, more iterative update cycle. We will be pushing out point releases (Update 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) on a near-
0When DUST 514 entered open beta in January, we launched the first phase of the Recruiter Program, a referral system that rewards your friends with exclusive in-game gear for following you into the war for New Eden. Thousands of players have already become mercenaries through the Recruiter Program. Now we're excited to roll out the next phase, extending the rewards to you, the passionate recruiters, for helping us mold the n00bs of today into the grizzled vets of tomorrow. Here's how it works: Visit the Recruiter section of DUST514.com and log in with your PSN ID to generate your personal recru