01、政治、色图、粗口、点草、林黑一律无条件删帖,并予以警告 2、本吧礼仪为上,请大家用讨论的心态聊天对话,尊重对方的观点。对于黑酸挑等争议、恶意回复,85视情况请发贴人自行删贴、或直接删除,连续3次时予以警告。但如果当事人选择对话,则85不得干涉并应恢复已删除的贴子。 3、凡警告后再次违规,封禁1天;7日内累犯,封禁3天;有恶意辱骂书豪、吧友等严重情节,无需警告直接10天,经大吧一致同意后可黑名单永封 标准警告用语:
11我歪在这儿看风景带着一丝落寞 地球说20+10=暗能量招唤 金星说你给我滚回去金星只是美女的家 这儿是水星 我转身看到光来的地方
6《林出发》 原文:http://www.basketballinsiders.com/nba-pm-lin-ready-for-fresh-sta 翻译:红茶杯rp 致谢:热情的lychee、史提夫23 =======BEGIN======== Lin Ready for Fresh Start With Lakers 《林出发》 By Alex Kennedy | Senior NBA Editor Updated: July 30, 2014 It is 2 a.m. on July 12 and Jeremy Lin is asleep in his Beijing hotel room. He’s in the midst of his annual Asia tour, which spans several weeks and features basketball clinics and publicity events across China and Taiwan, so he’ll take every moment of shuteye he can get. The trip
8《林启示》 翻译:红茶杯rp 致谢:热情的lychee 免责声明: 本文发表于《SLAM China magazine(灌篮杂志中国版)》,现根据英文底稿试译,仅供试阅,切勿转载,如喜欢请购买原杂志 =======BEGIN======= The Linspiration 《林启示》 Linsanity may be over, but Jeremy Lin is continuing basketball*s greatest underdog story July 29, 2014 题记: 林疯狂或已随风远去,但杰瑞米·林仍继续着篮球史上最伟大的青蛙王子的故事。 This feature was first published as the cover story of the 133
3【20140818】【翻译】林书豪球探报告140727(校对版) 原报告链接:http://www.hoop365.com/nba/jeremylin_scoutingreport/ 翻译:红茶杯rp 致谢:热情的lychee、史提夫23 ======BEGIN======= Jeremy Lin Scouting Report July 27, 2014 林书豪球探报告2014.7.27 Though he will only count $8.374 million against the Lakers’ cap, Jeremy Lin will actually earn close to $15 million next season. As a result, the pool of teams interested in acquiring him from the Rockets probably wasn’t as big as it should have been. Perception is Lin is nothi