4When I find you, will you know my name? If I reach you, will I find my way? Hold on for me, keep my memory Stay close to me, change our destiny Take my hand, and I'll never let you go There's no place to hide, I'll move Heaven and Earth to find you. Make no mistake, until my body breaks; I'll find the power I need When I hold you, will you set me free? If I lose you, what becomes of me? (Guitar Solo) In the dark, I never felt so far away From the ghosts of yesterday. See the stars lay severed in my wake, Until my dying breath I'll rage against the dying light. Take my hand, and I'll never let
2自购,mp3格式 共16首歌曲,歌曲已镶嵌好封面,最后一首歌曲也带有官方歌词 1. Desert 2. Home 3. Death 4. The Wilds (Exploration) 5. The Wilds (Battle) 6. Domain of the Crows (Exploration) 7. Domain of the Crows (Battle) 8. Crow Golem 9. Mountain Ghost Town (Exploration) 10. Mountain Ghost Town (Battle) 11. The Citadel (Exploration) 12. The Citadel (Battle) 13. Home Revisited (Exploration) 14. Home Revisited (Battle) 15. Er'Khaan 16. Take My Hand (Credits) 二楼放下载地址和购买地址
008120143641我也是被这个怪卡了几天了,心态都差点搞崩了,每次打它都认不出喊爹骂娘的。。。心想这个怪神经病的么,我打它还没回的血多。 后来上P9看了下奖杯心得,有个大佬说它背身的时候记得要上下滑动,我才发现我一直以为它撅起的屁股是弱点这个想法是有问题,其实它的头跟身体伤害更多,暴击数值也更高。。。然后再试了一下,果然容错率高很多,犯了两回错的情况下,都能时间有余!! 另外,想攻击效率更高,记得纸巾套手指,你试过你会30635因为lz是一个高三党,所以过两天(是真的两天)就要开学了,可能会做不完全部的流程(就是说坑可能会填不完)。因为lz已经打通关过一次(也是标准,但没有全部100%,纪念品还差妈妈的),所以有一些地方我可能不会讲的太清楚,有问题就问我。不喜勿喷。21453各位,手臂找到了,手的技能干嘛用的?4434010220377【ios】severed089103