关注: 4 贴子: 14

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    Just for helping this thread to stay, again... I do not want my thread to be closed, however, I always doubt that whether it is ne-cessary t
    26535pai 5-8
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    again for helping this thread to stay... well don't know if i ever should return to my thread but anyways at least we still have a place to
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    There was a computer activity in Grade 11. It is not a hard one, but it is important to everybody.So my friends and I practiced several time
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    26535pai 2012-12
    As the result, I want to write something down here, I feel really sad that everything is different from what I thought. I think I just know
    26535pai 12-12
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    I have not write in this web for a long time; another 6 months gone, but I still remember him,although it is nonsensical.I always want to wr
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    alwaysisnot 2012-04
    I saw him was in the same class of my computer course, but just the first time, maybe he dropped that course then.I tryed finding his name,
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    Maybe it is in August,the first time I saw him, he was talking to my classmate, standing behaind the computer of our classroom. And my desk
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    alwaysisnot 2012-04
    I have seen him several times in the corridor,and always is that when he was grounding water.Just several times,and less than five times.Ju
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    Just for record something that are precious for me, which began on June 16 and end in a half year later.

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