1新浪体育讯 红牛与莲花宣布开展技术合作。从2011年起,莲花的F1赛车将使用红牛提供的变速箱和液压系统。双方签署了一项多年期合作协议。这意味着红牛正在从一支F1参赛车队进化为一家技术供应商。 莲花赛车本赛季搭载考斯沃斯引擎和Xtrac公司提供的变速箱和液压系统。此前,莲花已经确认明年终止与考斯沃斯的合作。Xtrac的液压系统本赛季故障频频,与其合作的三支新车队均受害不浅。 “我们宣布与红牛科技(Red Bull Technology)达成
1网易体育4月28日报道: 2010赛季进行到现在,莲花F1车手亚诺·特鲁利十分郁闷,他在采访中坦承,本赛季初奇差的运气,还有欠佳的赛车可靠性让他很有挫败感。 特鲁利在前四场分站赛中只有一次是顺利冲过格子旗的,如此低的完赛率是最让他郁闷的,他不得不把目标降低到力保完赛上。“很显然,我早已意识到这个赛季不会轻松,一切都是全新的,我们应该需要一些时间适应。 “霉运似乎萦绕着我的赛车,什么怪事都发生在我车上,而且只发生在
0新浪体育讯 由于冰岛的埃亚菲亚德拉火山在14日突然喷发,引起大量火山灰漂浮,使欧洲航空业陷入瘫痪,机场关闭,航班取消,由此引发了空前的空运危机。 由于中国站与西班牙站相隔三周,多支车队都计划在此期间对赛车进行调整升级,莲花车队也不例外。但火山爆发令各车队的人员和物资不能如期返回欧洲,影响到西班牙站的准备工作。 然而,莲花车队老板托尼-费尔南德斯(Tony Fernands)的航空业背
0求购一顶莲花车队的正版帽子,有的联系我哦~ QQ 20552978
1新浪体育讯 本周末,2009赛季F1世锦赛第三站马来西亚站比赛将在雪邦赛道展开。以下为F1马来西亚站看点: 冠军 世界冠军简森-巴顿在澳大利亚为新东家迈凯轮车队首次赢得分站冠军,他也成为现役车手中仅有的两位为三支车队(本田、布朗、迈凯轮)夺得分站冠军的车手,另一位是阿隆索(雷诺、迈凯轮、法拉利)。 澳大利亚站夺冠也是巴顿个人第8个分站冠军,也是他自去年6月土耳其站
0有没有哪位已经打听到了啊。。 可以透露一下的啊。。。
0作为新车队参加2010赛季的莲花,各方面都与一流车队有颇大差距,但这支新车队仍然对未来充满信心。莲花车队老板托尼-费尔南德斯(Tony Fernands)表示车队将在未来三个赛季成为排名前五的车队之一。 马来西亚商人费尔南德斯将莲花这个传奇的名字带回F1,他的团队也是新车队中实力最强的。科瓦莱宁是新车队中唯一在巴林和澳大利亚都完赛的车手,在墨尔本的排位赛中他也能站在直接竞争的前面。 费尔南德斯认
0Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 30th March 2010 Lotus Racing is looking forward to another solid performance at the Petronas Malaysian GP in Sepang this weekend said its Deputy Team Principal SM Nasarudin SM Nasimuddin. After Heikki Kovalainen finished the Melbourne Grand Prix in 13th place, the team is confident it can build on its strong start to the season at the third round of the 2010 Formula One™ World Championship, Lotus Racing’s first race at home in Malaysia. “We expect the race in Sepang this weekend to be another exciting outing for Lotus Racing. Heikki’s finish, just three plac
0Melbourne, Australia 28th March 2010 A mixed day for Lotus Racing at the Melbourne Grand Prix saw Heikki Kovalainen finish the race in 13th place, once again ahead of the other new teams, but Jarno Trulli failed to make the start due to a hydraulics issue on the grid. Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Cosworth T127-01): “I enjoyed it today, I had good fun out there. Our target was to finish the race and from the start we were quite comfortably ahead of the new teams. When Glock dropped I just focused on keeping up a decent rhythm, not making any mistakes and bringing the car home. It’s difficult to
0Melbourne, Australia 27th March 2010 The rain held off for Saturday’s running in Melbourne as Lotus Racing took to the track in earnest, keen to maintain their ‘best of the new teams’ record. Throughout the 3rd Practice both cars ran well, with Italian driver Jarno Trulli finishing with a time of 1.29.800 after 16 laps and Heikki Kovalainen completing 19 laps on a best time of 1.29.539. In qualifying itself Lotus Racing successfully maintained their record of best new team, finishing with Heikki Kovalainen 19th on 1:28:797 and Jarno Trulli 20th on 1.29.111. Jarno Trulli (Lotus-Cosworth T
0Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 27th March 2010 KUALA LUMPUR, 27 March 2010 – AirAsia Group CEO Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate of Business Innovation by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), at the university’s 44th Convocation Ceremony in Skudai, Johor today. The inaugural doctorate was presented to Tony by UTM Pro-Chancellor, YMM Raja Zarith Sofiah Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, for his contributions to the country, academic excellence and society. The university praised his role in changing the face of aviation and benefitting travelers and economies locally and
3Melbourne, Australia 26th March 2010 The second practice session on Friday afternoon in Melbourne began under cloudy skies with light rain falling, curtailing track time for Lotus Racing throughout the afternoon session. Despite this the team ran a solid session and finished ahead of both other new teams having completed a total of 32 laps in second practice, with Jarno Trulli finishing the session 20th (17 laps / 30 laps total) with a best time of 1.30.695 and Heikki Kovalainen 18th on 1.29.860 (15 laps / 41 laps total). Jarno Trulli (Lotus-Cosworth T127-03): “It’s been a bit of a difficu
0Melbourne, Australia 26th March 2010 A sunny day in Melbourne welcomed Lotus Racing to their first practice session of round two of the 2010 Formula One™ season. Both drivers were keen to get going and test the cars on the semi-street track of Albert Park, and once again, a Lotus Cosworth was out first, Jarno Trulli being first car on track. Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus-Cosworth T127-01): 26 laps, best time 1.31.654: “First session was good - pretty much how we were planning to do it. We had a little problem with the differential but we managed to work around it. It meant that the car was
0Melbourne, Australia 26th March 2010 Mike Gascoyne, Lotus Racing Chief Technical Officer: “Since Bahrain we’ve been working very hard back in the factory, pushing further on the new package for Barcelona, so the guys have been working hard in the wind tunnel as well as focusing on the expansion of our drawing office. We’re in the process of closing down the drawing office in Cologne, which means migrating all the data as well as the ongoing work. On top of all that we’ve been looking at some of the problems we had in Bahrain and how we can fix them, so overall we’ve been very busy.
0Melbourne, Australia 26th March 2010 Jarno Trulli (Lotus Cosworth T127-03): “After Bahrain I went back to Europe and stayed in contact with the engineers to analyse the hydraulics issues we had in the race in Bahrain, try to see how we could improve the performance of the car and review the general operations of the team during the race weekend, which were really good! “Then I flew into Australia on Sunday night, so I’m still a little bit jetlagged – it’s a pretty hard trip coming over here – the ten hour time difference means it’s always difficult to adapt, but we just have to g
0Melbourne, Australia 26th March 2010 Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Cosworth T127-01): “After Bahrain I decided to go back to my European home in Switzerland, and spent nearly a week there. First, obviously, I was recovering from the Bahrain Grand Prix and then I had a few good training sessions before a quick day trip to Helsinki in Finland to meet some media. Then we flew to Australia on Saturday, and have been here since then; getting used to the time zone and doing a little bit of training and playing some golf while enjoying the sunshine. “It’s very good to come here, the Australians are
0新浪体育讯 本周末,2010年F1世锦赛第二站澳大利亚站比赛将在墨尔本阿尔伯特公园赛道展开。以下为以往18年来F1澳大利亚站各车手战绩表:(数字=正式比赛名次、R=退出比赛、DQ=取消成绩、S=罢赛、NS=未能发车) 年份 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 阿隆索 5 4 2 1 3 3 7 - 12 - - - - - - - - - 马萨 R R 6 R 10 R - R - - - - - - - - - - 汉密尔顿 DQ 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 维泰尔 13 R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 罗斯伯格 6 3 7 R - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0新浪体育讯 今天据《汽车运动》报道,国际汽联已决定从澳大利亚站开始,使用昵称“天眼(eye in the sky)”的赛车封存管理系统。 我们知道,国际汽联为了防止车队在排位赛后到正赛开始这段时间内,对赛车做规则之外的改进。在赛道设有专门的封闭停车场,对排位赛之后的赛车进行统一封存。同时,为了保证FIA能方便的对赛车进行检查,封闭停车场必须设计的足够大。 但是今年,由于F1的参赛车队从10
0网易体育3月24日报道: 日前,F1独家轮胎供应商普利司通公司公布了本赛季第4到第7场分站赛的轮胎方案,它将在中国和摩纳哥大奖赛为各参赛F1车队提供比2009年硬度更高的轮胎。 轮胎方案对比: 赛道 2010年 2009年 巴林 中性胎、超软胎 中性胎、超软胎 澳大利亚 硬胎、软胎  
1新浪体育讯 欧洲当地时间12月11日,FIA世界汽车运动理事会在摩纳哥召开。会议审批通过了2010年的F1赛程:见下表,总共设19个分站。 2010年F1将于3月14日在巴林拉开大幕,中国车迷关注的上海站,安排在4月18日。韩国大奖赛再次出现了在了赛历上,是否最终举办比赛, 将视赛道建设情况而定(见*标注)。阿布扎比和巴西交换位置,再次成为收官站举办地。 2010世界一级方程式锦标赛赛程 日期 分站 3月14日&nbs
1腾讯体育讯 为庆祝F1运动举办60周年,2010赛季的揭幕战——巴林大奖赛原本邀请所有在世的车手冠军来参加庆典,共计20位。现在看来,20位世界冠军齐聚巴林的愿望恐怕落空,因为三届世界冠军尼尔森•皮奎特和2007年世界冠军莱科宁尚未给出确定答复,二者有可能缺席庆典活动。 新赛季尚未揭幕,仍有一支车队在努力加入F1,它就是斯蒂芬GP车队,而有望加入这支车队的车手则是前世界冠军雅克•维伦纽夫。此举一旦成行,那么本赛季将有五
0The morning sunshine gave way to grey conditions and light rain in Barcelona as the Lotus Racing T127 completed a successful third day of testing. By lunchtime Jarno Trulli had already completed 60 laps, and went on consistently throughout the day to finish on a total of 102 laps. The team completed a full race distance and were satisfied with the timings and quality of the day’s activity. Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer, commented “Another productive day with Jarno; over a hundred laps completed with no real mechanical issues and Jarno was able to complete the full race distance in
1Q: Heikki, what caused your excursion into the gravel this morning? Was something wrong with the car? Heikki Kovalainen: Nope, nothing wrong
0新浪体育讯 北京时间2月17日,2010年F1官方试车第三轮继续在西班牙赫雷兹赛道展开。在当日结束的首日测试中,红牛车队德国车手维泰尔名列
0网易体育2月16日报道: 前迈凯轮车手海基·科瓦莱宁已经加盟了重装上阵的莲花车队,他觉得这支继承了老莲花煊赫F1赛史的车队只需要很短时间就能成长一
1祝大家新春快乐 ! 另祝情人节快乐
1届次 车手 国籍 车队 2009 简森-巴顿(Jenson Button) 英国 布朗GP 2008 刘易斯-汉密尔 顿(Lewis Hamilton) 英国 迈凯轮 2007 吉米-莱科宁(kimi Raik