11、日语拟声拟态词的记忆规律 “カ”行假名开头的拟态词,一般描述“干燥、坚硬”的状态,比如“カラカラ”。 “サ”行假名开头的拟态词,一般描述“爽快、潮湿”的状态,比如“サラサラ”。 “ナ”行假名开头的拟态词,一般描述“光滑、发粘”的状态,比如“ヌルヌル”。 “ハ”行假名开头的拟态词,一般描述“轻盈、飘动”的状态,比如“フワフワ”。 如果在日语学习中遇到不认识的拟态词,日语单词 就参
0一、j.test考试时间分配 1-2篇阅读:5分钟左右(每篇3分钟左右) 3-4篇阅读:10分钟左右(每篇5分钟左右) 5-6篇阅读:14分钟左右(每篇7分钟左右) 7-8篇阅读:20分钟左右(每篇10分钟左右) 当然,因为j-test(A-D)考试面向的学员水平不一样,大家可以根据自己的能力,以及想要达到的级别,具体调整每道大题的时间。一般来说每道大题都是从简单到复杂的,所以要拿高分,前后都要做对,如果是一般的成绩,后面几道题的正确率不用特别纠结。 二、j-test日语解题
0The US economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout, the largest annual decline of US gross domestic product (GDP) since 1946, according to data released by the US Commerce Department on Thursday.美国商务部1月28日公布的数据显示,受新冠疫情影响,2020年美国经济萎缩3.5%,为1946年以来美国国内生产总值最大年度跌幅。 The estimated drop in GDP for 2020 was the first such decline since a 2.5% fall in 2009. That was the deepest annual setback1 since the economy shrank 11.6% in 1946.该数据是美国GDP自2009年萎缩2.5%以来首次下
0いつでも、あなたのことが好きです。 いつまでも----ます。 ------到永远。 親は、いつもでも子供を愛します。 いつも(つねに)----ます。 总是------。 私はいつも6時起きます。 いま----ているところです。 正在------。 いま、食事しているところです。 いま----ようとしているところです。 刚想------。 いま、洗濯しようとしているところです。 必ずしも----とは限らない。 未必------。 高学歴の人は、必ずしも、品の高い人とは限らない。 必ず----ま
0すでに20日を経過しましたが,現品はもとより,送品案内、その他の通知もいただいておりません。 ——虽然已经逾期20日,但不仅仍未接到货品,而且连送货单或其他任何消息都没有收到。 在庫品の品切れのため発送が遅れて申し訳ございません。 ——因暂无存货,故使发货延误,谨致歉意。 メーカーの出荷手違いのため思いがけず遅れてしまいました。 ——因厂商交货出了纰漏,不期延误。 ご紹介により早速調
0あたる是什么意思? 提问: 指を指すのは失礼にあたる中あたる是什么意思? 回答: あたる 这里是表达等于,相当于的意思。比如:この日本語にあたる英語は何ですか/相当于这句日语的英语是什么?
0在日本的传统中,樱花季节是春天的象征,研究发现,自1200年前开始有记录以来,今年的日本樱花盛花期来得是最早的。大阪大学收集的数据显示,2021年京都市的樱花季于3月26日迎来了盛花期。 In Japan, viewing cherry blossom is a pastime that's been enjoyed for centuries. Outings are organised to eat and drink while sitting beneath the white and pink flowers. The blossom marks the arrival of spring and reflects the transient beauty of nature.在日本,观赏樱花是数百年来广受喜爱的消遣活动。人们会组织
0文型 ・[人]に[名詞]を[あげます/かします/おしえます…]。 ni o agemasu kashimasu oshiemasu ...向...得到 [人]に/から[名詞]を[もらいます/かります/ならいます…]。 ni kara o moraimasu karimasu naraimasu 从...得到... ○ わたしは せんせいに にほんごを ならいます。 Watashi wa sensei ni Nihon-go o naraimasu. △ せんせいは わたしに にほんごを おしえます。 Sensei wa watashi ni Nihon-go o oshiemasu. ※ がくせいに はなします わ
0China will reform its National Equities1 Exchange and Quotations2 (NEEQ), or the "new third board," to further promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). 中国将对全国中小企业股份转让系统,又称“新三板”,进行改革以进一步推动中小型企业的发展。 The country has outlined a series of reform measures to better orient the NEEQ to the needs and features of SMEs and support high-quality growth of the real economy, according to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. NEEQ-listed companies will be stratified to sift3 out a gro
0文型 ・[名詞]が わかります / わかりません ga wakarimasu / wakarimasen 知道.../不知道... ・[名詞]を しっています / しりません o shitte imasu / shirimasen 正在做.../没做... 例 A:すもうを しっていますか。 Sumou o shitte imasu ka. B:はい。でも、ルールが わかりません。 Hai. Demo ruuru ga wakarimasen. 《練習》 かんじが わかりません。 Kanji ga wakarimasen. 例.かんじ 1.えいご 2.カタカナ kanji
04月18日举行的博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会首场新闻发布会上,《亚洲经济前景及一体化进程》和《可持续发展的亚洲与世界》2021年度报告正式发布。 The growth rate of the Asian economy in 2021 is expected to reach at least 6.5 percent and Asia should be a major engine for sustainable global recovery, according to reports released by the Boao Forum1 for Asia (BFA) Sunday.博鳌亚洲论坛4月18日发布的报告指出,今年亚洲经济增速有望达到6.5%以上,亚洲将成为全球可持续复苏的重要引擎。 《亚洲经济前景及一
0文型 ・[名詞]で de 手段や方法です。 通过...手段、方法,做了... [乗り物]で ひこうきで きました。 Hikouki de kimashita. [~語]で これは にほんごで なんですか。 Kore wa Nihon-go de nan desu ka. まいにち にほんごで はなします。 Mainichi Nihon-go de hanashimasu. [道具]で はしで ごはんを たべます。 Hashi de gohan o tabemasu. でんわで はなしました。 Denwa de hanashimashita. [手段]で げんきんで はらいます。 Genkin de haraimasu. [数 / 量]で サッカー
0NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover, Perseverance1, after a successful landing on the red planet's Jezero crater2 at approximately 3:55 pm Thursday.“毅力”号火星车于本周四(2月18日)下午3点55分左右在火星的耶泽罗陨石坑成功着陆后,美国宇航局发布了第一批由其传回的照片。“毅力”号是美国宇航局的第五辆火星巡游车。 "This landing is one of those pivotal moments for NASA, the United States, and space exploration globally – when we know we are on the cusp of discovery and sharpening our p
0「衝撃が走る」というのは強い影響や印象を与える、という意味になります。 “衝撃が走る”是指给人留下很大影响或很深印象。 物体に大きな力が加わり、その力が物体の中を瞬間的に伝わり様子、という意味を持つこともありますが、一般的には印象に残る、強い感銘を受ける、などという意味を持ちます。 这个词的意思是给物体施加很大的力,这股力瞬间传递到物体之中的模样。一般是表示给人留下印象,让人铭记于心。 何か小説を読ん
0China's economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020, with major economic targets achieving better-than-expected results, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.国家统计局1月18日表示,2020年,我国经济增长2.3%,经济社会发展主要目标任务完成情况好于预期。 The country's annual GDP came in at 101.59 trillion yuan ($15.68 trillion) in 2020, surpassing the 100 trillion yuan threshold, the NBS said.国家统计局表示,2020年全年国内生产总值达到101.59万亿元,突破100万亿元大关。 Output of industrial companies with annual revenue
0China's first vaccination1 vehicle will hit the streets in April in Beijing and north China's Hebei province, which will allow people to receive COVID-19 shots near their residence without travelling to vaccination stations.我国首款移动疫苗接种车预计4月在北京、河北等地投用。投用后,接种新冠疫苗的人员不必再到疫苗接种点,而是疫苗接种车主动上门打疫苗。 移动疫苗接种车配置如何? The interior of the vaccination vehicle resembles that of a bus, but with fewer seats.移动疫苗接种车内部的格局与公交大巴车
0The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games' icon1 venue2-Water Cube, has transformed into "Ice Cube", which is the world's first Winter Olympic Stadium to create curling ice in a swimming pool. 2008北京奥运会标志性场馆——水立方,已变成“冰立方”,这是世界上首个在游泳池架设冰壶赛道的冬奥会场馆。 In the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, "Water Cube" is set to serve as the curling venue. The construction of the convertible3 structure of the Water Cube was completed on Tuesday. Following on from the completion of the major constr
0As you probably know, learning a foreign language is sometimes challenging. But it can also be fun. We spend hundreds of hours at school trying to get our tongues round different vocabulary and grammar in order to earn a qualification. But learning to speak a second language is more than just passing an exam – it opens doors to new opportunities, helps you to communicate with others and makes travelling overseas more fulfilling. It might come as a surprise that, according to research by the BBC, the number of teenagers learning foreign languages in UK secondary schools has dropped by 45% sin
0文型 ・ [いい いみ]。それに、[いい いみ]。 ii imi soreni ii imi [わるい いみ]。それに、[わるい いみ]。 warui imi soreni warui imi にぎやかな(いい いみ) ・うるさい(わるい いみ) nigiyakana ii imi urusai warui imi ねだんが やすい(いい いみ)・きゅうりょうが やすい(わるい いみ) nedan ga yasui ii imi kyuuryoo ga yasui warui imi 《練習》 ex.ロバーツさんは おもしろいです。 、しんせつです
0That comes as the company deals with questions over whether it should be allowed to provide 5G technology in the UK – a controversy1 that cost the British defense2 minister his job. 5G is one of the biggest mobile trends for 2019. Carriers around the world are starting to roll out their next-generation mobile networks with tech that promises more possibilities for smart homes, autonomous3 vehicles and more. For phones, it means faster, steadier Internet connections. But who is going to be allowed to build core parts of the network is a hot topic. While Huawei is in the mix, there are securit
0出す,送る有什么区别? 提问: 出す,送る有什么区别? 回答: 「出す」侧重于表现寄出方。Aから出す(东西是由A方送出的)。 「送る」则侧重收到方。Bに送る(东西是寄送给B的)并且「出す」是中性词,一般比较客观,而「送る」则带有一定感情色彩,寄送者可能对物品的好坏抱有一定的想法。 比如: 母が実家のニンジンを送ってきた。就不会说「出してきた」。「出す」的搭配比较少,一般就只有:「手紙を出す」(「手紙を送る」也可
0文型 ・[人]は[名詞]が[きらい/だいすき/じょうず…]です。 wa ga kirai daisuki jouzu desu (谁)讨厌/喜欢/做的好... ・じょうずです / とくいです jouzu desu / tokui desu 做的好/做的不好 ×わたしは サッカーが じょうずです。(わたし>みんな) Watashi wa sakkaa ga jouzu desu. watashi minna ↓謙遜 ○わたしは サッカーが とくいです。 Watashi wa sakkaa ga tokui desu. 《練習》 わたしは サッカーが にがてです。 Watashi wa sakkaa ga nigate desu.
0China's deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe, or Striver, set a national diving record of 10,909 meters on Tuesday in the Challenger Deep, a 11,000-meter chasm1 located at the bottom of the Mariana Trench2 in the western Pacific Ocean, according to the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所的消息显示,中国深海载人潜水器“奋斗者”号11月10日在西太平洋马里亚纳海沟最深处成功下潜至10909米,创下国内新纪录。被称为“挑战者深渊”的马里亚纳海
0お口(くち)に合(あ)いますか。 合您口味吗?
0美国新冠肺炎死亡病例逼近50万之际,美国顶级传染病专家福奇表示,美国人可能到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来抗击新冠病毒。 Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that it's "possible" Americans will still need to wear masks in 2022 to protect against the coronavirus, even as the US may reach "a significant1 degree of normality" by the end of this year.安东尼·福奇博士2月21日表示,尽管今年年底美国也许能达到“一个相当程度的正常状态”,但美国人“可能”到了2022年仍需要戴口罩来防止感染
0君のうた 移ろいゆく風景の中 ずっと大切な人缓缓变换的风景中 一直都存在着重要的人触れるたび かけがえのない想い出くれた触碰到的那一瞬 就会留下无法替代的回忆穏やかな風が包んだ ありふれた日常に被和缓的风包围着 在普通的日常中あたたかく 陰ることのない言葉たち有着温暖 没有阴谋的言语迷い込み 戸惑う季節越えたら 笑みと笑み結び付けるため陷入迷途 度过迷惑的季节 为了联结笑容探し続けてゆく 永遠(とわ)の絆を继
0好(す)きなものをどんどん召(め)し上(あ)がってください。 喜欢吃什么尽量吃吧
0Singapore has become a testbed for self-driving technology and the world's first driverless taxis went into operation in a limited public trial in the country in 2016. Swedish automaker Volvo Buses and its local partner Nanyang Technological2 University (NTU) unveiled what they described as a full-size autonomous3 electric bus and said the vehicle would soon start trial runs in the university's sprawling4 campus.
0日语动词有以下三类:五段动词(又称一类动词)、一段动词(又称二类动词)、サ変动词&カ変动词(又称三类动词)。 五段动词: ①不以「る」为结尾的动词;词尾在「う段」。 例:買う、喜ぶ、行く、飲む、勝つ、倒す ②词尾为「る」,倒数第二个假名不在「い段」或「え段」。 例:知る、切る、作る、分かる 一段动词: 词尾为「る」,倒数第二个假名为「い段」或者「え段」。 例:見る、食べる、考える、助ける、別れる *注:有些词
0A Long March-4B rocket carrying the HY-2B satellite took off at 6:57 a.m. from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province. The HY-2B is an ocean dynamic satellite, which will form a network with the subsequent HY-2C and HY-2D for maritime2 environmental monitoring. Thursday's launch was the 288th by the Long March rocket series.
0文型 ・[名詞a noun]は [な形容詞na-adjectiveな]です。 wa desu [名詞a noun]は [な形容詞na-adjectiveな]じゃ ありません。 wa ja arimasen (では) (ないです) dewa nai desu しんせつな・げんきな・きれい
0China plans to launch the core module1 of its manned space station in the first half of 2021. Subsequent space missions include the launches of the Tianzhou-2 cargo2 craft and the Shenzhou-12 manned craft.
0文型 ・いろ iro 颜色 い形容詞 あかい・あおい・しろい・くろい・きいろい・ちゃいろい akai aoi shiroi kuroi kiiroi chairoi 名詞 みどり(いろ)・グレー・ピンク・きんいろ・ぎんいろ midori iro guree pinku kin-iro gin-iro あか・あお・しろ・くろ・きいろ・ちゃいろ aka ao shiro kuro kiiro chairo 《練習》 あかい かばんを かいました。 Akai kaban o kaimashita. 例.あ
0The mission was originally scheduled to launch in March this year, but NASA suspended preparations in December after a vacuum leak was discovered. The instrument involved is a seismometer provided by France's space agency. It is designed to measure ground movements as small as the diameter of an atom, and requires a perfect vacuum seal around its sensors1 to withstand the harsh conditions on Mars. The instrument redesign and two-year delay will add more than 150-million US dollars to a budget of 675 million. NASA says the additional costs will not delay or cancel any current missions, but
0学校概况 所在城市:松山市 学生人数:6500人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 学校简介 松山大学设有经济学部(经济学科)、经营学部(经营学科)、人文学部(英语英美文学科、社会学科)、法学部(法学科)、药学部(医疗药学科),大学院设有经济学研究科(博士前、后期课程:经济学专攻)、经营学研究科(博士前、后期课程:经营学专攻)、语言交流沟通研究科(硕士课程:英语交流沟通专攻)、社会学研究科(硕士课程、博士后期课程
0SSR级:医学部医学科 在日本学部排名中处于神级的是医学部医学科,毫无例外地位于各大学顶端。偏差值特别高,就算是那些写了名字就能考上的学部的大学,其医学部医学科也是超难关的级别。因为其偏差值高这一点,医学部医学科的学生也经常给人们一种头脑好的印象。在学校内也是很特别的存在。但是,虽然同样都是医学部,看护学科和医疗学科的地位称不上是“神级”。除了医学科,其他学科的偏差值并不是特别高。也有不少和R级相同甚至
0文型 ・どんな[名詞a noun] ~か。 Donna ka ~怎样的? 《練習3》 きょうとは どんな まちですか。 Kyouto wa donna machi desu ka. 例.きょうと 1.キムさん 2.にほん Kyouto Kimu-san Nihon 3.キムチ 4.なごや 5.トヨタ kimuchi Nagoya Toyota
0That's the goal of the Mario A.I. Project: to develop an artificially intelligent Mario agent that becomes aware of himself and his environment, making decisions about what to do based on spoken instructions. Built by members of the Cognitive2 Modeling Group at Germany's University of Tubingen, the Mario A.I. Project has released a video demonstrating and explaining the initiative. And while the team's progress seems to be slow, it's pretty cool to think of this most-famous of game characters having a will of his own. Using Carnegie-Mellon's Sphinx speech-recognition toolki
0The orbiter and its crew of four are scheduled to hit the runway at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida just before sunrise on Thursday. At "wheel-stop", the ship will complete its 13-day mission to the space station; but more significantly, it will close the book on Nasa's 30-year shuttle programme. Atlantis, like Discovery and Endeavour before it, is being retired1. The US space agency is turning to the private sector2 for future astronaut transport services, hoping that a number of commercial ventures(合资企业,投机者) will emerge in the coming years to ferry crews
0N1 能够理解日语中的各种场景。 【读】 能阅读报刊、评论等各类题材文章,逻辑性强,抽象性强,能理解文章的组成和内容。 能够深入阅读各种主题的文章,理解上下文并表达特定的意图。 【听】 能够听懂各种场合正常语速下的对话、新闻、讲座内容,详细理解上下文、人物关系和内容的逻辑构成,把握大意。
0At that speed it could travel from London to New York in about an hour. Results from the test flight are expected later on Wednesday. The Pentagon and Nasa hope to use the project to develop faster missiles. During a test in June 2011, Waverider travelled at Mach 5, but failed to reach the target speed. It is one of several projects currently under way to create a hypersonic aircraft. The research could also be used to build a commercial plane, able to reach much higher speeds than today's jets, after Concorde was decommissioned(退役的) in 2003. Five-minute flight The military used
01、第一大题的读音问题。汉语词汇的考核还是集中在长短音、促音、拗音、拨音的考核上。另外和语词汇的考核也一样,基本上就围绕着比较容易读错的动词、形容词来考核。这部分对大部分的考生来说并不难。需要大家平时记忆的时候要准确。掌握一些读音变化的规则。 2、第二大题写当用汉字的这一题难度也没有增大。这部分的内容只要把句子读懂了,对中国的学生来说难度是不大的,苦了欧美学生。 3、第三大题考的是接头词、接尾
0'The Raht Racer is a power biking vehicle that uses state of the art pedal-electric hybrid1 technology to amplify2 pedal power, enabling the rider's legs to propel the vehicle up to highway speeds, giving the rider the feeling of super strength,' Mr Kronfield says. 'On a bicycle, your pedals are the accelerator. Same with the Raht Racer, only multiplied a hundred times.' The Raht Racer's pedals are connected to a unique flywheel generator3 rather than of directly driving the wheels, as in a traditional velomobile. The pedals power a 20-kWh electric motor, which sits in
0Apple unveiled the fingerprint1 scanner on its iPhone 5S on Tuesday with bold claims about its high levels of encryption(加密) and security. The firm even suggested that its Touch ID system could revolutionize smartphone security and replace the traditional, everyday password. Yet security researchers have warned that the technology is not perfect, with one adding that it 'provides little added security over a four-digit code.' The Touch ID sensor2 is built into the premium3 phone's 'home' button and can be used to unlock the phone, as well as pay for shopping and app
0まで 和へ有什么区别 提问: 「北海道まで何で行きますか。」和「北海道へ何で行きますか。」有什么区别? 回答: 助词まで,强调终点。助词へ,强调方向。例如:上海まで行きます。上海へ行きます。两句都可以。表示:去上海。前句用まで,强调终点。后句用へ,强调方向。 0元日语体验课程推荐:经典实用会话轻松学【专享班】 日语单词后面标注的[动1][动2][动3]是什么意思? 提问: 日语单词后面标注的[动1][动2][动3]是
0Li Guoping, director of the Department of System Engineering of the CNSA, said that the length of the Long March-9 will exceed 90 meters, and the rocket would have a core stage with a diameter of 10 meters. It would be able to carry a payload of 140 tonnes into low-Earth orbit, five times that of the Long March-5, said Li. The rocket's capacity would also reach 50 tonnes for Earth-Moon transfer orbit. China is also developing a medium space rocket, the Long March-8, which is expected to make its maiden1 flight in 2020. The Long March rocket series have been launched 284 times, sending more
0①課題理解 试卷上印有选项 听力中先读问题,再播放录音,最后再读一次问题。 考查考生是否能准备听出录音中人物行为,事物发展结果等单一因素。 例:会话中的男人接下来需要做什么? ②ポイント理解 试卷上印有选项 听力中先读问题,再播放录音,最后再读一次问题。 有阅读选项的时间。 考查考生是否能准备听出录音中某件事情的原因,目的,意图等要素。 例:为什么选择这家店? ③概要理
0China's first space lab Tiangong-1 will mostly be burnt up in the atmosphere and it's highly unlikely to cause any damage on the ground, according to an article published by China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) recently. 中国载人航天工程办公室近日表示,中国首个太空实验室天宫一号主要部分会在大气中燃烧,有极微小的可能会对地面造成破坏。 "There is no need for people to worry about its re-entry into the atmosphere. It won't crash to the Earth fiercely, as in sci-fi movie scenarios1, but will look more like a shower o
0おやすみなさい。 晚安(您休息吧)!