10转自国外网站 Good Ending thanks to Mystical Miss I feel relieved. Place my hand onto his hand gently. Does it have something to do with the injuries from yesterday? I can't imagine living without you! I don't know… I feel that he is cruel I will ask him why he is saying this. I feel scared I hope he will rely on me as well. I grabbed his hand. Is this really the only way? Forsaken my life as a human and live with Tomoyuki
2Feel relieved Lean gently What did I do I'll give you my blood I don't know I feel happy (scared is better?) I look Don't know what to think?(is happy better?) Share his pain Pat his head too scared Fulfill Tomoyukis wish
12相信宝石是这几个游戏的一大难关,况且还有无限normal end……一个选项错了好像就走不到GOOD END?好吧先不废话了,来说说修改方法。 必备工具:itool
3The Seal of Lycoris - Cain walkthrough Since the game is unfathomably evil and will not give you a GE unless you’re a telepath I shall share my likely heavily flawed, but at least seemingly working walkthrough (sorry, only the answers picked are listed, otherwise it’s too much stuff to type): 1. …But now that I think of it, why did he save me back there? 2. Is it because he wants manipulate me for something else? 3. I’ll raise my voice and pursue him with my question. 4. A clumsy person? 5. It feels as though he is feeding me. 6. I don’t know… I really don’t know what to think. 7
9这里是壬晴,在这里先介绍一下本吧。《彼岸花之恋》是一个很好的手机avg游戏系列,刚上市几个月,可攻破人物有三位。 下面是介绍: 直到皓月当空的这天,她才知晓自己的梦代表了什么...做为刻印少女自己又必须迎接怎样的宿命...那梦中的声音又来源于谁?超越时间的姻缘之战就此开始! 风靡日本的美男恋爱养成类游戏,首次登陆中国智能手机平台!《彼岸花之恋》作为日本著名的”乙女向”恋爱养成游戏首次登录中国。您听说过吸血鬼和妖狐
7表示就算你乱玩,出恶言,又善待,全程选择a.b.c随便都可以出现一般结局。 攻略组表示表示he几乎崩溃,还有想过可能he和be一样,只有一条路径,其他只
7因为考虑到贴吧内有不少爪机党,所以贴吧的格式要做该修! 爪机党还是可以用原来的格式:‘恋’xxxx 在电脑上发帖的亲,就用现在的格式:『回首、彼岸
3★★★★申精表★★★★ ID: 帖子地址: 内容所属:(精品区的名称) ★★★★★★★★★★★
3吧主专区的最新公告: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1852476149 对於最新公告,本吧相关决定如下: 1.楼主不可以任意删除吧友或”楼主自己〃在贴子的回
191L度娘 我先向大家申明!这个帖子是用来发通告的,有什么新的情况会在这里为大家公布,有疑问的可以回复此贴,但是如果是别的事情,就不要回复了!