9吧主无才,但吧主有德,我真心蜜科尔皮,也真心希望能让大家更多的接触科尔皮的信息。 在本吧浏览过帖子,或下载视频的朋友,麻烦回帖踩一下。
0Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! :) I'm enjoying the training in Vierumaki this week. Next week it's Toronto again! 大意:祝大家暑期愉快,这周我会一直享受在V城的训练,下周我将再次奔赴多伦多,哦也
129高清视频第二波-温哥华冬奥会科尔皮长节目 下载地址: http://www.rayfile.com/files/b12b26d7-8cda-11e0-8430-0015c55db73 NBC版本-282.6M 高清,高清,高清 以后再奉上YLE电视台500M版本7科妹子真是勤奋啊,又跑去加拿大训练了 最新微博显示,她和席琳正在多伦多酝酿新的长节目,灰常期待~ Training in Toronto this and next week! Shae Lynn and I are creating a fabulous new long program, so exciting!! :) Hyv�xFFFD; kes�xFFFD; kaikille! :D2一楼给百度72JEE, HYVÄ SUOMI!!!!!!! Finland won the ice hockey world championships and our little country went crazy about it! ;D 译文:JEE,芬兰人真棒!!!!!!!芬兰夺得了冰球世锦赛冠军,我们的国家为此而疯狂! ;D 注:"JEE, HYVÄ SUOMI"该句为荷兰语,我实在不懂。推测JEE可能等同于英语中的Yeah......7标题:Kiira Korpi: "I have learned how to handle the pressure better!" 一篇迟到的采访记录—采访于TEB之后,可敲门进入此英文链接: http://absoluteskating.com/index.php?cat=interviews&id=2011k 翻译有误的地方请大胆指正 题目:科尔皮:我已经学会如何更好的处理压力13Kiira Korpi - World Championships 2011, Moscow 现场直播 ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2011,原来在日本改到俄罗斯的莫斯科了。4在http://www.kiira-korpi.net/上贴出了科尔皮为PUMA代言的新一季服装海报--training系列,文中不吝溢美之情, 如“Petra and Kiira are the best possible faces to represent our Puma Women Training collection.”2★Korpi★--科尔皮微博同步更新--2011.5.2 The season's over, BIG THANKS to all who's been helping and supporting me. Now it's time to rest and then come back even stronger next year!7本着大文件,高清晰的原则 1、过墙高手可去油管 2、花样年华--花样滑冰论坛--月关宝盒(需150积分) 3、电驴--搜科尔皮或者korpi,会有惊喜,2010冬奥会和欧锦赛的高清视频下载1我见过的有以下几个,盘砖引玉 cute blond elegant girl-next-door look4Finally leaving for the Worlds in Moscow tomorrow!! It will be so exciting and fun to get to compete, and even in my neighboring country! :D 译文:明天,终于就要去参加在莫斯科举办的世锦赛了!!参加这次竞赛实在是令我兴奋和高兴,它甚至是在我的邻国举行!:D0同一赛事,同一阶段。几乎同一时间,两套EVITA,大家怎么看。 我对技术不是很了解,但是觉得科尔皮的编舞和配乐更加协调,是在滑曲子0贴几条国际科蜜对于科尔皮频繁失误的解读 ----Northeagle May 1, 2011 at 02:08 Strange competition: really high level, with Kiira’s PB in FS, and a total score quite close to her top. So, great news? I think not so good. I already said it many times in the past: her skill on Flip is terrible, that kind of jump costs too much, too often. And two spots for Finland are saved with just a miracle: limit was 28, but luckily a quibble in the rules avoided a hoax. In the end, a great season for Kiira: but could be even better. Really bad luck on Euros and Worlds… ----Wanda May 1, 202★Korpi★--科尔皮微博同步更新--2011.4.13 Yesterday had a great show in Rauma and today Plan gala in Espoo! Thank you everyone involved, I enjoyed a lot! :)4★Korpi★--科尔皮2010-2011自由滑配乐--Evita0★Korpi★--科尔皮微博同步更新--2011.4.8 Training, training, training! :D Looking forward for Moscow. Ensi viikolla n�ytxFFFD;s Raumalla ja Plan J�xFFFD;gala Espoossa, tulkaahan katsomaan! ;)1★Korpi★--科尔皮2005-2006自由滑配乐-- Blues CollectionBlues Collection-- Blues Boys Tune, and Shake It Up And Go by B.B. King1大家一起来讨论~0★Korpi★--科尔皮微博同步更新--2011.3.24 Sooo happy about the decision about the world championships being still held this spring! Moscow is a great city with great skating fans! :D0来自于ISU的官方公告 花滑世锦赛将于4.24-5.1在莫斯科举办 ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2011 24 Mar 2011 11:48 In its statement of March 21, 2011 the ISU communicated the decision of the Japan Skating Federation (JSF) to decline holding the ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2011, initially allotted to the JSF and scheduled to be held in Tokyo, Japan this week. In the meantime, the ISU has received applications to hold the Event during the months of April or May of this year from its Member federations in Austria (Graz), Canada (Vancouver), Croatia (Zagreb), Finl2本楼长期有效,只要关于科尔皮吧的建设问题,大家都可以畅所欲言。我随时会在贴吧醒目位置贴出意见公告和贡献人 我先抛砖引玉: 1、应该给科尔皮的粉丝统一起个响亮的名字,大家觉得有哪些不错的昵称呢? 2、科尔皮的吧名是否还需要一个谐音性质的名号? 3、关于科尔皮的版块设置,我目前有以下几个方向, 资讯、图片0目前科尔皮吧还处在襁褓阶段,还需要大家共同的悉心维护。可以说现在本吧还是杂草丛生,严重影响了信息更新和信息浏览,因此贴吧的首要问题便是现有帖子的整理问题,我是这样思考的,对于现有帖子,本着“尊重原帖,修补为主,打扫为辅”的原则,对于之前一些有质量的帖子我会予以保留,还有一些重复的图贴还有问询贴,我会予以归纳,合并为一个帖子或者删除,吧主会慎重考虑和慎重处理。 希望大家不要0也许能来到这个贴吧的朋友都是一种缘分,大家抱着对hua滑的热爱,抱着对科尔皮的喜爱,一同来到了本来虚拟无边的网络E空间。 也许也许大家进入贴吧前已经是hua滑发烧友,也许大家进入年华论坛前就对hua滑明星如数家, 也许大家也是因为某个时段电视上闪过的某个镜头而甘做hua蜜,深恋hua滑。总之从过去的时点到现在这一刻,不觉间,人已成长。而在我们像聚光灯注视下的明星偶像也在随之变化,或成长,0★Korpi★--科尔皮2006-2007表演滑配乐 Speaking of Happiness0★Korpi★--科尔皮2007-2008表演滑配乐- ABBA Medley-- Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) & The Winner Takes It All & Dancing Queen0★Korpi★--科尔皮2005-2006短节目配乐--Hello0★Korpi★--科尔皮2007-2008短节目配乐 Eye Patch Yo Te Quiero0★Korpi★--科尔皮2008-2009表演滑配乐--Butterfly from Out of Bounds by Rajaton0★Korpi★--科尔皮2007-2008自由滑配乐-- Phantasia-by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Chang0★Korpi★--科尔皮2008-2009短节目配乐 Triunfal--by Ástor Piazzolla0★Korpi★--科尔皮2009-2010表演滑配乐 If I Were a Boy 碧昂斯的作品