1嘿,我想招个吧主管理我的私人贴吧=-= 恩…… 现在有 荒野之寂吧 永安巷吧 这两个吧找吧主=-= 另外三个不招
61L 东方神起 金俊秀 朴有天 金在中 沈昌珉 郑允浩
9No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting. No matter when you end, it is more important that you do not
2Although we fight, we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever in my heart. 吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你
112 + 3 = 5 5 - 1 = 0 5 + 1 = 0 2 + 3 = 5 = 1
14You don't know I'm missing you. 我在想你,你却不知道。
51L 祭度
0Live for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday took away. 好好生活吧,为了明天所给予的馈赠,而不是为了昨天所带走的。
1If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're alwa