6国际在线专稿:据美国《娱乐周刊》报道,HBO新剧《守望尘世》(The Leftovers)在上周日晚进行首播,据统计,该剧受欢迎程度不亚于《真爱如血》(True Blood),在首播当晚就吸引了210万观众的眼球。 该剧也是达蒙·林德洛夫(Damon Lindelof)自《迷失》(Lost)后创作的首部新剧。据悉,该剧改编自作家汤姆·佩罗塔 (Tom Perrotta)的同名小说,同时他也是编剧之一。该剧描述了数百万人突然永久消失,之后剩下的人如何面对这一事实并继续生活的故事。与
24昨日~ 2014-6-23 纽约 贾叔(Justin Theroux)携其家属Jen一起为HBO新剧 《The Leftovers》首映宣传,该剧第一季共10集,由家鼠担纲主演.两个人在首映式上如胶似漆,破不和传言。 On June 23rd, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux stepped out on the red carpet together for the first time since September. Jennifer was by her fiance's side for the premiere of his new series The Leftovers in New York. Jen and Justin could not let go of each other as they posed for cameras. Despite all attention being on them, the Friend's star and the 42-year-old actor
58一楼不给看! Justin Theroux admits that meeting Jennifer Aniston took him to new heights—for better or for worse. "It's a bit like going to a slightly different altitude, you know?" he describes being with the actress in the October 2013 issue of GQ, the cover boy referring to the relentless amount of attention she (and now he) gets from the paparazzi. "I call them photojournalists, actually," Theroux quipped when asked about the shutterbugs. "When I get complimented on the street about having twins—that's weird, too." 家鼠说,他和Jen在一起后,他上升到某种新的高
14最近贾叔的街拍好多,我其实想看到两只。。。 难道Jen妞就去片场了? Justin童鞋。。。你们两个一东一西的,偶尔也聚聚嘛! 名人就是累啊。。。 演艺事业,爱情不能完美切合。。。