0+qq 740742925
0百度资料 CHAR (『LO CHAR』) L.C.羅浩辰2005年1月4日出生于辽宁。练习生,演员,吉他手。擅长舞蹈,书法,美术,跆拳道,表演,演唱,吉他(指弹,弹唱)。
12羅浩辰生日是二零零五一月四日01#include<reg51.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define unit unsigned int unsigned char kk,kn=16; unsigned char const DSP[]={0xC0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82, 0xF8,0x80,0x90,0x88,0x83,0xC6,0xA1,0x86,0x8E}; void main() { char tmp1; //P0=0x00; while(1) { P1=0X0F;//为何此处用0XF0时下机tmp!=0xF0会以为真呢,进行调用键盘扫描程序程序;而此处用0X0F时, //不按键不会调用键盘扫描程序 tmp1=P1; if(tmp1!=0X0F)keyscan();为何 if(kn!=kk) { P0=DSP[kk]; } } } uchar Keyscan() { uchar i, j, temp,temp2, Buffer[4] = {0xef, 0xdf, 0xbf, 0x7f}; for(j = 0; j < 4;0如下代码,网页刷新有显示“我显示了!”但是图片click动作怎么没提示"我没显示‘;js文件夹里面有jquery-1.12.3.min.js;images文件夹里面有name.gif;求大神指导、 <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>无标题文档</title> </head> <body> <div id="con"> <img src="images/name.gif" width="510" height="85" class="dirl"/></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=&qu1准备入手学习C语言,先从简单的开始。 目的:从键盘输入一个文件名,然后屏幕显示一个新的文件名,就是在键盘输入的文件名前加一个字符串。例如: 屏幕输入的文件名是image1.jpg,希望得到的文件名是 newfile_image1.jpg 应该如何写呢?下面的对吗?谢谢了。 #include <stdio.h> { printf("Enter Image Path and Name: "); fflush(stdout); input = fgets(input, 256, stdin); char *a = "newfile_"; char str[] = strcat(a, input); printf("%c\n", str[]); return 0; }0#include <reg51.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int sbit led=P1^0; void Delay_1ms(uint t) { uint i,j; for(i=0;i<=100;j++) { for(j=0;j<=100;j++) { _nop_(); } } } // void main(void) { while(1) { led = 0 Delay_1ms(1000); led = 1 Delay_1ms(1000); } } C0char 型变量中可以存储多少个汉字? 如题!0请问char s3[]="New year"的字符数组长度是多少啊?为什么0char *s1="AbCdE",*s2="aBcDe"则表达式strcmp(s1+1,s2+1)的值4@弗兰克威尔斯 总统,你看这里怎么样?0TCHAR *pch = NULL;10when the evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one to dry your tears, I would hold you for a million years to make you feel my love. i know you haven't made your mind up yet , but i would never do you wrong . i've known it from the moment that we met. there's no doubt in my mind where you belong :)