3230从三月开始更,然后因为楼主比较懒,所以就直接截图了。7123Icona Pop, K. Flay and Sirah Live at Exit/In in Nashville40@谋求人地协调 吧主的ID很贱,终于记住了。求射! @soeone2050 @apologize葬送 这次我翻得比较满意了169'Sesame Street' Spoofs Icona Pop and 'Sons of Anarchy' Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/videos/sesame-street-spoofs-i Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook10好吧 我慢慢打[有手稿的..乱糟糟T^T] 我在沙滩蓦然醒来 像被搁浅进退两难 如何来到这片沙滩 没有思绪找寻答案 此刻孤立无援 向漂流瓶里寄予希望 事情啊 变得越来越棘手 给个提示好伐我是指引你的灯塔 在岸边点亮微光 为你守候到日暮 为你守候到日落没有潮汐推着我前进了 我变得昏头昏脑 视线变暗 迷失在一片苦咸我是瓶中信 难以置信这是我的时刻 ---------- ps瓶中信是一部我很喜欢的小说噢~\(≥▽≤)/~ 这首歌词不难,不过很值得品读甚麽的。自己11已下载近1G的Lollapalooza 2013 Icona Pop 的 live视讯 都是视频画面比较好的 有些fan拍的..地理因素不好...所以没下载.. 正在以优酷16k/s速度上传← ← 传好了@你们~申精~ 好吧,这贴和@申love花 你没甚麽关系 ------一生信仰,OneRepublic10原文标题: Photos: Icona Pop performs at Lollapalooza Day 1 Read more: http://wgntv.com/2013/08/02/photos-icona-pop-performs-at-lollapa12Icona Pop Asked Tupac's Mom For Permission To Sample Tupac On New Single Anthony Centeno Posted August 1, 2013 昨天的,5015Icona Pop: How Swede it is MUSIC Special to the online edition of Windy City Times by Jerry Nunn, Windy City Times 2013-07-300欢迎各位会员踊跃举报违规贴回复在此,格式为给出具体地址(最好是链接),楼层,作者账号。 请各位注意,勿在本帖中回复与举报事宜不相干的内容。 对处理的内容、方式的讨论可至吧规贴32好的贴吧是要大家共创的,若有对于IconaPop吧的未来发展有任何提议请在此留言。5此贴作为精品推荐贴。14一楼度娘 二楼开始导航贴,不定期更新。请使用“只看楼主”功能。 请各位吧友仔细阅读吧规,并有效利用导航贴。谢谢合作8原文iconapop.freshnet.com/2013/06/03/wakarusa-festival/ @谋求人地协调 申精14Icona Pop are in characteristically high spirits in their video for "Girlfriend", a new single that riffs on the melody of Jay-Z and Beyoncé's "Bonnie & Clyde" (which was derived from 2Pac's "Me and My Girlfriend"). Directed by Tim Nackashi, the video makes anyone outside the best friendship of Aino Jawo and Caroline Hjelt seem dull by comparison. "Girlfriend" will likely appear on Icona Pop's newly announced debut album This Is... Icona Pop, out September 24.379我特么居然才看到38303242014在网上找不到这歌的lrc 自己做了一份 [00:08.11]We always hear about this better life, this better life, [00:11.89]We always felt it coming along, yeah all along [00:15.89]We got the keys to welcome Paradise, yeah, Paradise [00:19.67]Now let’s go walking hand in hand [00:21.77]Come on baby we can [00:23.35]Chorus: Hit the lights, [00:24.99]Make the wrongs turn right [00:26.34]We can smash the club, [00:28.31]Make the pop go wrong [00:30.48]We’re the life this deep [00:32.31]We don’t need no sleep [00:34.27]And it feel like, we could do this all night [00:40.75]We could do thi9一开始的名字好像是Just Another Night6812本吧称呼 :IC吧。ps:IP吧太难听了。。。 欢迎来到Icona pop吧 本吧尚在建设中。因此可能与其他吧相比较起来会有些弱。 本吧发帖规则:【Icona pop】+标题 水贴暂不予以考虑。目前可以水。有内容有意义。 禁止无格式,标题仅只有几个符号。一句类似 呵呵等等的无内容水贴。 本吧删帖规则:黑吹贴。 辱骂贴。 超水贴。 刷帖。 无格式贴。 暂时只有这么多。 本吧申精规则:鉴于这两妹子 我们大家了解的都不怎么多。因此申精会很缓和。 美图申精要求33一楼大召唤@谋求人地协调 @大白呼叫小白 @谓我心忧hi @点点点652 @厨Sanji @特浓提拉米苏99我来发个专辑吧 Icona Pop - Iconic 1. I Love It 2:37 2. Ready For The Weekend 2:42 3. Good For You 3:27 4. Manners 3:31 5. Top Rated 2:59 6. Sun Goes Down 3:15