0wave your hands in the air wave them all around like you just don`t care
0violation of god's right cuz it ain't gonna do shit
11973 - James Blunt Simona You're getting older Your journey's been etched On your skin Simona Wish I had known that What seemed so strong Ha
4狼牙月 伊人憔悴我举杯 饮尽了风雪 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非缘字诀 几番轮回 你锁眉 哭红颜唤不回 纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭 繁华如三千东流水 我
1张开双臂,迎接世界 黑暗的羽毛随风飘荡
0Thou dragged me into this, Or is it thy reflection in my heart
0James Blunt -- your beautiful you are beautiful My life is brilliant. My life is brilliant. My love is pure. I saw an angel. Of that I'm sur
0穿过肮脏的城市, 越过横流的污水 踩着垃圾 这是我唯一的跻身之处
1然后看着自己可悲的希望被残酷的焚烧,践踏 然后再次燃起希望和斗志
2第二首歌(我处女作):黑暗 7个音轨。。。乐器的运用。。。贝斯和笛子果然是我的两宝。。。最后硬是加了一个贝斯solo,贝斯真的是好东西啊,但最近的
22这些都是我大爱的专辑。。。虽然很多只是无损 有些都是从贴吧各地下的,在此感谢零壹乐队吧,金属吧,民谣金属吧。。。还有一个人人小站吧。。。
1Marilyn Manson - Into the fire (The high end of low)
0Thou can'st escape the judgement in thy heart. Come thee, face the light
1Stand up and Fight - Turisas The pouring rain sticks my hair to my face An empty gaze is all I have left The stars that once lit my way have
0Rose for Epona献给伊波纳的玫瑰 Do you feel the thorns? 你是否觉察到了这荆棘的存在? Do you see the tears? 你是否看到了泪水? Do you see the
0Lyrics to Le Ciel [English] : I was drawn by your gentle song... Your pure white tears flow away with the wind And cut time in two You look
3I hate tu. U think ur cool? Dude u suck shit. Pretendin to be cute by acting like another Lauren. Yeah, tu ere Lauren now, what about that,