17205222iPad电子版刚上架我就给大家买来了 算是全球首发吧 点击看原图82一楼度娘............129022英国亚马逊独占的单曲Sparks,免费下载什么的最厚道了。。。。。。 http://115.com/file/bhfs67a8#13一楼萌叔中631L献度娘.....23官网版面作了调整,放了几张新图。。。。。。Amazon惊现下载单曲Sparks,9.26开放下载,封面是我很喜欢的那张图。。。。。。6115 上传中。。。请等待2288148http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk3MDE5NTUy.html 自己看,弄不上视频 话说我是默默的fan16首先,9月5号即可听到了。 10月9号电子版本就可以下载 10月10号实体店可以购买 新单还有另外一个亮点Lost & Found and Chemical,大家要关注一下 还有一个另外,可以预定签名专辑, 就这些了。上图解释24度娘 怨念没帽子啊。。。。8这是昨天公布的视频, 新单曲也开放预购了, 但是曲名尚未公布, 预定发售日期是10月10号..... 下面是这段视频18效果不是很好,也没有全都拍 图太多了…… 然后LZ比较懒,大家直接移步LZ相册吧 = =http://hi.baidu.com/fzkhello/album/Matt%20Cardle 不嫌麻烦的同学可以帮忙贴过来的。。。1524Matt Cardle To Be A Superstar Thanks To Robbie Williams' Mentor Simon Cowell is so determined to make X Factor winner Matt Cardle a success that he’s hired Robbie Williams’ former mentor to help guide Matt’s career. The X Factor boss has asked music biz veteran Chris Briggs to work with Matt to ensure he’s not a flop. Briggs brought together Robbie and his former song writing partner Guy Chambers, and has been a close music industry friend to Robbie. A source revealed all to The Sun, “Chris was poached by Sony from his former label EMI over the summer. It was a big-money deal but Chr9By Anna Faro Pop mogul Simon Cowell has promised to build a team around Matt Cardle who “entirely suit him, his music and style”. Contrary to many people fearing Matt will lose his identity, the powerful man behind X Factor has said Matt will retain control throughout. Ann-Marie Thomson, head of global media for Syco, Simon Cowell’s record and entertainment told The Halstead Gazette: “Matt will certainly have control over his music, every element is collabrative, the label will open the doors to the right and the best producers in the world for him. “There are a lot of conversations321328Matt夺冠后会持续更新视频周记, 这是今天发出的第一集10Leona自己发的tweet:Well done to Matt Cardle for winning X 2010!22传送门1:【X-Factor】Matt Cardle★★★正式粉丝楼★★★ 这里有萌叔参加比赛的所有历程 还有花边等你发现 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=909298786 传送门2:http://@www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/funinfo/1/2299281.shtm (去@) [灰常点评]Matt Cardle 一个27岁的大叔级萌物的深入探究(萌叔matt推广员原创) 不含水分 &n20- -!代购专辑~~有这几个选择。。。 1)找UK的同学。。。问神马时候回国。。。然后能不能批量带些专辑来 2)淘宝找代购。。淘宝上有好多国外CD代购神马的店铺,选家正规点的。。或者谁给带过怎么样的- -!!! 3)直接国外网站代购。。。国外代购就是邮费神马不确定。。。还有就是时间了。。。and信用卡神马的问题了。。。。。709今天的结果实在是晴天霹雳 我决定 每天来签到 每日贴 给萌哥盖个楼~~~~