0经核实吧主alwayselite 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 小姑奶奶驾到吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
16看到群里都是 化学 物理之类的翻译, 我这是数学方面的..行不行呀?.. 因为你以前帮我翻译过数学论文的摘要,这次我的论文重新修改过了,摘要又要麻烦你了... 好容易才找到你~~名都改了呀!??
1凉山州植烟土壤颗粒表面的分型特征研究 摘 要:为了解植烟土壤颗粒表面的分形维数D的特征变化规律,以凉山州会理县的植烟土壤为例
11-[(experiment OD - lysis control OD)/(cell control OD - lysis control OD)]×100% 这是关于细胞毒性百分率的计算公式 非常感谢啦~
12The company’s Technological know-how, R & D and engineering capabilities provide significant improvements and new products to the Safety Equipment Market and the company is considered a prominent market leader by many. Spectrex technological developments and products are covered by more than 25 different international patents, which include: • Spectrex Automatic Fire Extinguishing (SAFE) Systems, including Ultra-fast Explosion Detection and suppression systems for military vehicles and for the propellant and high-risk industry. • Optical Flame Detectors including: o The c
2of positive selection uses the xylose isomerase gene from Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulforogenas as a selectable gene, which expression
1摘要: 本文在碱性条件下,采用不同反应物摩尔配比、NaOH浓度及不同的分离方法,制备了2位碳仲羟基单对甲苯磺酰β-环糊精酯β-CD-2-OTs。通过讨论反应
2Bound Descriptor Records When the application sets the SQL_DESC_DATA_PTR field of a descriptor record so that it no longer contains a null
0浅论《越狱》中人性的善恶与 追逐自由的思考 摘 要:在中国以《越狱》为首的一拨美剧成了很多人的最爱,似乎人人都在谈论《越狱》。本文试图通过
5我在大四毕业的尾巴上终于把六级给过了,对我来说是个奇迹 对你来说是个笑话大一过八才算正常吧 我特别想知道你英语考多少分
03. Modelling a specific mass transport process with deposition We restrict our analysis to the following process, easily reproducible in a
1其实我那次不过是在网上随便找了些资料,想看看你是真心帮助别人还是想提高自己在百度的威望。 现在我才的确看到你是在真心帮助别人了,我那些资料你都不用翻译了,真的,我当时听所你化学翻译很牛,就找了些分子生物学方面的考考你,看你是不是样样精通的天才美女。 我错了,我害你翻译那么多,真的听不好意思的。
0来百度还就发现这里翻译最厉害。 我相信小姑奶奶驾到或girl_nana如果参与到知道上抢答那肯定是所向无不披靡。 这样的英语实力,这样好的为人,真是
1In plants there is a preference for random integration of the introduced DNA, which frequently leads to the accidental inactivation of impo
1Development of plant transformation systems and their potential application are topics comprehensively addressed in excellent reviews23, 81
3"Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Education through Practice" - by Robert Dunay, Joeseph Wheeler and Robert Schubert. Students and practiti
1Reporter genes are ‘scoreable’ markers which are useful for screening and labeling of transformed cells as well as for the investigation
3adapter shaft locking ring spacer bush wobble plate什么意思啊 问题补充:ring haft什么意思,全部是机械方面的名词
0Outline 1 What’s generalization and concretization 2,Significance 2.1 Practical use 2.1.1Examples of concretization 2.12 Examples of
0Many literary quotations and historical events are often involved in the translation of some sentences especially the classic Chinese, whose
1RT。 我路过的同时过来膜拜下。。 囧TZ。
6请帮我看下这句话是什么意思 either make explicit all the alternative the respondent should have in mind when answering the question or mak
2It is apparent from observations and discussions that all images are scanned at least once and several subgroups of images are singled out
23. FIELD OBSERVATIONS Films are arranged according to logical groupings where appropriate and individual preference otherwise.Arrangement
1The orthogonal version of SHriMP complies with most of the layout requirements described in the above section. It operates on discrete objec
75. COMPUTATIONAL CHOICES Research in computational presentation is examined in order to find an appropriate approach for medical imaging pr
42.2 Selection and isolation of genes Genetic information is carried in the linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Its expression involves
1Firstly, many plants assayed to date lack detectable GUS activity, providing a null background in which to assay chimaeric gene expression.
0A representative cDNA library should contain full-length copies of the original population of mRNA. cDNA libraries provide a method by whic
10只敢翻译化学的题? 哈哈
1control empty vector hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp
0摘要: 在银行的监管中,信用风险与市场风险很早就引起金融机构的重视,并在19世纪70——80年代开始,就已经形成了较为成熟的风险管理技术。但是,对
2我一直很想知道,你在百度上的那个ID美女照片是你本人吗? 可以告诉大家吗?
4在外地上网很贵,翻译一篇文章大概需要4块钱网费,而且我也没有时间,一般周末有点空,周二下午有点空,余下时间就是实习干活了。 找其他人帮忙吧!
1planning the baiting programme Thorough planning is essential to ensure effective targeting of resources and correct application of baiting
2不是一般的有水平,而是很有水平,不是一般的热心,而是很热心, 不过一切由你定夺,不要太累了,也不要误了自己的事
3Digital data hiding is a technology being developed for multimedia services, where significant amounts of secure data is invisibly hidden in