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    很多人现在不一定成功,但说不定也是一枚潜力股,前途大好!那如何用英语形容他人有潜力?教你5种表达。 1. Diamonds in the rough 未经雕琢的钻石只差好好打磨就能bling bling啦!归根到底,说明人家还是块材料啊! She may seem shy and ordinary right now, but give her a couple more years - she truly is a diamond in the rough. 虽然她现在看着害羞,人也一般般,但过几年也会是个可造之材。 2. Have the makings of something 英文里making指的是完成某件事需具备的要素,也指人的素质。这
    duxijin 4-14
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    2016年专四、专八考试题型变化: 八级: 1. 听力两部分,news broadcast 去掉 2. 1:mini-lecture 长度增加 由10个空格增加到15个空格;听前发卷子; 2:长篇听力;conversation or interview 重点为学术方面的问题。问题不印在卷子上,是听到的,给ABCD四个选项; 3. 人文知识去掉;proofreading保留。 4. 阅读:增加8个简答题,客观题改成问题; 5. 翻译:保留中译英,去掉英译中; 6. 写作:给两篇短文,写一个30分钟300词左右的summary,着重学生的表达 观点的能力。类似
    baojing57 2-18
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    别发电子红包啦 以后可能要交税了 Tax authorities are likely to introduce new regulations on taxing individuals receiving digital red envelopes from corporations, an unnamed official source confirmed on August 4. 一位不愿透露姓名的官员8月4日表示,中国税收机构可能引入新规,对个人取得企业派发的电子红包进行征税。 “电子红包”(digital red envelope/electronic red-envelope)是一种新的红包派发方式,微信红包是其中的一种。电子红包主要包括朋友间玩耍祝福的红包,以及互联网运营商、企业
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    秘密花园》你真会涂么? 【Related News】 最近有一本只有264个字的减压涂色书,红遍了网络,刷爆了朋友圈。它的到来成全了无数网友深不见底的脑洞~ 很明显,这本书已经被玩坏了!如果让你给下面这幅《秘密花园》图案涂色,你会怎么玩?涂底,渐变?No! 它还可以变成萌萌哒的大白格格哦! "The Secret Garden" allows you to tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself in an inky black-and-white wonderland. This interactive activity book takes you on a ramble through a secret garden crea
    duxijin 7-31
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    送购物卡给别人真的好么? Blank present are the present that has no thought behind it. This usually comes in the form of gift cards & money. The person who give these as presents often do not know what the reciever likes, and simply gives them the "choice" to get "whatever they want". “空洞礼物”指没有任何想法或创意的礼物,通常是以购物卡或者现金的形式送出。送出这一类礼物的人多半是不清楚收礼物人的喜好,所以就干脆让他们“想买什么就买点什么”。 For example: Best Buy, Target, and Kohl
    duxijin 7-30
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    出国旅游英语--海关申报必用词汇 Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开始 Unit3 Customs Declaration海关申报 第一部分 Vocabulary 必用词汇 1.spirits n.烈酒(精) Have you any spirits or tobacco? 您带酒和香烟吗? 2.confiscate v.没收,交公 I’m sorry, but I have to confiscate these medicines. 很抱歉,我不得不没收这些药。 3.customs n.关税;海关 Do they have any restrictions on the articles we're carrying at the customs? 海关对个人所带的物品有限制吗? 4.contraband n.违禁品 They'll check to see if you're carrying any
    duxijin 7-29
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    新概念英语这套书,你真的用对了么? 和小编一起看看英语达人的英语学习方法分享: 具体操作很简单,在读准备读每一册的课文前先用迈西新概念背单词软件把单词读熟,(顺便说下我以前也是用迈西背单词软件考过了四级,很省时间,大爱!)。然后就反复的读课文,直到封上书能拖口而出后再理解课文的意思,先读烂后理解的顺序非常重要,然后就把那页撕了仍掉,再继续下一课,这种用嘴机械的操练与用脑背诵有本质的区别,虽然结果都差不
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    三伏天热成狗 “天热”的各种表达 三伏来了,全国多地迎来大范围高温天气,“烧烤模式”全面开启。今年的三伏天有40天,从伏天的长度来看属于“加长版”,被网友戏称为“三伏Plus”。今天你那里热吗?如何用英文来表达“天气热”呢?来看看吧。 1. It's hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be cooler soon. 现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。 2. It's stifling! I can hardly breathe. 天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。 3. I can't bare the heat; I a
    duxijin 7-24
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    出国旅游英语--预定机票实用对话 Chapter 1 Starting Trip 旅行开始 Unit1 Booking Tickets预订机票 第三部分 Conversations 实用对话 情景对话1 Booking Air Ticket预订机票 Booking Clerk: Good morning! Air China, may I help you? 订票员:早上好!中国航空公司。有什么可以为您效劳的? Wang Lin: Good morning! I’d like to book two seats on a flight from Beijing to New York on July 5, please.。. 王琳:早上好l我想订两张7月5日从北京到纽约的机票! Booking Clerk: There are seats available on a flight leaving at 6:25, would y
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    美国总统奥巴马每周演讲2015.07.18 伊朗核问题已经达成协议 WEEKLY ADDRESS: A Comprehensive, Long-Term Deal with Iran WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, the President explained the comprehensive, long-term deal announced earlier this week that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This agreement cuts off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon, implements unprecedented monitoring and inspections of Iran’s key nuclear facilities, and ensures that if Iran violates these terms, the strict sanctions previously imposed on the count
    duxijin 7-20
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    京杭试水“无人超市” 顾客信用考验 【Related News】 6月6日,也是网络上所说的“信用日”,芝麻信用在北京、杭州两地试验“无人超市”。超市里没有营业员,购物、付款全部由顾客自助完成。 Beijing's first self-service supermarket has decided to add sales personnel just one day after its trial operation. 北京首家“无人超市”在试运行仅一天后,决定增加销售人员。 “无人超市”可以用self-service supermarket 表示,self-service表示自助的,无人售货的,如无人售票 (self-serv
    duxijin 6-10
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    口语:高考替考用英语怎么说? 江西南昌代考事件: 6月7日上午11时左右,网上出现“南都记者卧底替考组织在南昌参加高考”的报道。南昌市教育考试院迅速与警方采取行动,在语文考试结束前将南昌十中考点的涉事考生李某某控制住。经初步调查,李某某承认了替考行为。目前,警方正在进一步调查。 On Sunday, just two hours after the test began, media reports alleged a surrogate exam-taker in Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province. “替考者”的英文表达是surrogate exam-taker,也
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    美国总统奥巴马每周演讲2015.06.06 庆祝移民传统月 WEEKLY ADDRESS: Celebrating Immigrant Heritage Month WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, the President recognized Immigrant Heritage Month, an occasion that allows us to celebrate our origins as a nation of immigrants. The basic idea of welcoming people to our shores is central to our ancestry and our way of life. That’s why the President asked everyone to visit whitehouse.gov/NewAmericans and share stories of making it to America. And as we celebrate our heritage and our diversity, the President promised to continu
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    美国总统奥巴马每周演讲2015.05.30 迅速通过美国自由法案 Weekly Address: Pass the USA Freedom Act WASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address,
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    新买的衣服 有必要洗了再穿么? That dress looks perfect right off the rack, and that crisp button-down shirt is never going to be any brighter
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    每个女人应该记住的10句话 1. Muhhamad Ali Jinah: 穆罕默德·阿里·吉娜 There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is th
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    普特英语听力贴吧欢迎大家加入! 大家对网站、论坛有什么看法、意见都可以在这里建议! 大家有好的英语学习方法也可以在这里分享! 三人行必有我师,
    duxijin 4-16

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