7473231DPR Korea booked their spot in the AFC U-16 Championship 2020 Finals after cruising to a 4-0 win over Hong Kong, on Saturday. The win gave DPR Korea maximum points from three matches with the East Asians scoring an impressive 26 goals and conceding only once. DPR Korea were the better side from the start of the contest as they threatened as early as the third minute, but the Hong Kong defenders were quick to close them down. Ri Kum-chol, who already had six goals to his name, came close to finding the net in the ninth minute when he surged into the box from the right but fired his low drive st35721208直播吧8月23日讯世界杯亚洲区预选赛即将开打,转会市场统计出征战本次预选赛亚洲球员的身价榜。韩国球星孙兴慜8000万欧居首,武磊1000万欧。 1.孙兴慜 8000万欧(韩国-英超热刺) 2.阿兹蒙 1700万欧(伊朗-俄超泽尼特) 3.贾汉巴赫什 1500万欧(伊朗-英超布莱顿) 4.武磊 1000万欧(中国-西甲西班牙人) 5.权昶(chǎng)勋 550万欧(韩国-德甲弗赖堡) 6.格多斯 500万欧 (伊朗-法甲亚眠) 7-艾克森 450万欧 (中国-中超广州恒大) 8.冈崎慎司 400万欧 (日本-0410191120火炬杯男足比赛正在平壤继续进行。 根据赛程,参赛的12支球队分成A组和B组,从8月1日至22日进行小组循环赛。半决赛和决赛将于25日和28日(青年节)进行。截至5日的比赛结果如下: 黎明:海鸥 1:0 鸭绿江:月尾岛 2:0 先锋:轻工业省 2:1 黎明:轻工业省 2:0 鸭绿江:先锋 0:0 黎明队在去年进行的火炬杯男足比赛中获得了冠军。0DPRK players Ri Un Ju and Kim Ye Yong won gold medals in the women's 57kg and 78kg categories of the Asian Judo Open Men and Women Taipei 2019. Meanwhile, Ri Pok Hyang and Kim Jin Gang bagged bronze medals in the women's 63kg and 70kg categories respectively. The games brought together more than 160 men and women players from 17 countries including the DPRK, Vietnam, Mongolia and India. DPRK players returned home on Aug. 6.0210月15日,朝鲜在金日成体育场迎战南朝鲜队,13117与南朝鲜,黎巴嫩,土库曼斯坦,斯里兰卡分在一组0000113236132012 亚足联U19亚洲杯 分组 5-13日 在阿联酋首都迪拜,亚足联揭晓2012U19分组情况,卫冕冠军朝鲜与越南、约旦、乌兹别克分在C组。 赛程:2012年11月3-492011 墨西哥世少分组揭晓: The groups for the FIFA U-17 World Cup Mexico 2011 are as follows: Group A (Morelia/Monterrey) 1. Mexico 2. Korea