关注: 41 贴子: 190

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    戳收鬼 8-7
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    鼠标+28 搜索数值 选择地址尾数不是28的那个 define(address,43C48230)//替换刚才的地址 [ENABLE] address+264: dd #4 address-50://石头 dd 00400500 dd 0040050c dd 0040050c 00400500: dd #50590//代码 dd #999999//伤害 [DISABLE] 最后整理一下背包
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    刀锋... 6-18
  • 7
    define(x1,022E72D1)//hook敌对怪物等级 [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: originalcode: push edx mov [ebp+0C],#1 mov edx,[ebp+0C] push ecx exit: jmp returnhere x1: jmp newmem returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) x1: push edx mov edx,[ebp+0C] push ecx //Alt: db 52 8B 55 0C 51
  • 8
    define(address1,1AAE610)//入包范围 define(address2,1AAE642)//自动入包 [ENABLE] alloc(newmem2,2048) label(returnhere2) label(originalcode2) label(exit2) newmem2: originalcode2: nop mov ecx,[ebp+0C] exit2: jmp returnhere2 address2: jmp newmem2 returnhere2: alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: originalcode: nop exit: jmp returnhere address1: jmp newmem nop returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem2) address2: db 74 12 8B 4D 0C dealloc(newmem) address1: db 0F 84 A5 00 00 00
  • 2
    [ENABLE] 18D85D0://hook基址 jmp 00400900//空白基址不用更新 nop 018D08E6:// jmp 00400950//空白基址不用更新 nop 00400900: cmp dword ptr [ecx+000007ac],00//这里过滤阵营 7AC阵营偏移 jne 00400910 fld dword ptr [00400919] ret fld dword ptr [ecx+000002E4]//变大 ret 00400919: dd (float)3//倍数 [DISABLE]
    煭燊 11-12
  • 1
    define(x1,01A440A2)//HOOK爆伤基址 [ENABLE] x1: jmp 00400600 nop nop nop nop nop 00400600: cmp dword ptr [ecx+000007ac],00//这里过滤阵营 7ac阵营偏移 jmp 00400609 movss xmm0,[00400630] jmp 0040061b movss xmm0,[00400640] jmp x1+a ret nop 00400630: dd (float)500//倍数 [DISABLE]
  • 0
    可以自行更新 define(address,01A4EAFD) define(address1,01A4EBAA) [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: originalcode: cmp dword ptr [esi+000007ac],00 jne originalcode+F jmp address+d nop jmp address1 ret nop exit: jmp returnhere address: jmp newmem nop returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) address: je address1
  • 0
    [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(xxx) label(x1) label(exit) newmem: xxx: cmp dword ptr [ecx+000007ac],00//这里过滤阵营 7ac阵营偏移 jne xxx+13 movss xmm0,[x1] jmp xxx+1b movss xmm0,[esi+000002E4] exit: jmp returnhere x1: dd (float)5//倍数 "dnf.exe"+14E92DC: jmp newmem nop nop nop returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) "dnf.exe"+14E92DC: movss xmm0,[esi+000002E4] //Alt: db F3 0F 10 86 E4 02 00 00
  • 1
  • 0
    [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access //place your code here originalcode: cmp dword ptr [esi+000007ac],00 jne originalcode+F ret mov ebp,esp push -01 nop push ebp mov ebp,esp push -01 exit: jmp returnhere 195B3B0: jmp newmem returnhere: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) 195B3B0: push ebp mov ebp,esp push -01 //Alt: db 55 8B EC 6A FF
  • 0
    一共找到了5个hook伤害,搞不懂为毛有这么多伤害地址 [ENABLE] //code from here to '[DISABLE]' will be used to enable the cheat alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: //this is allocated memory, you have read,write,execute access //place your code here originalcode: mov [eax+4C],#100000 mov edx,[eax+4C] call edx exit: jmp returnhere "dnf.exe"+1A77F6E: jmp newmem returnhere: [DISABLE] //code from here till the end of the code will be used to disable the cheat dealloc(newmem) "dnf.exe"+1A77F6E: mov edx,[eax+4C] call edx
  • 0
    define(x1,01AD4470)//HOOK评分 [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: push [esp+4] call originalcode add eax,#999999 ret 4 originalcode: push ebp mov ebp,esp mov eax,[ebp+08] exit: jmp returnhere x1: jmp newmem nop returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) x1: push ebp mov ebp,esp mov eax,[ebp+08] //Alt: db 55 8B EC 8B 45 08
  • 0
    define(x1,1A43400)//HOOK倍功 [ENABLE] x1: jmp 00400F00//空白基址不用更新 nop 00400F00: cmp dword ptr [ecx+000007ac],00//这里过滤阵营 7ac阵营偏移 jne 00400F12 mov [ebp+10],#1000//这里是倍数 jmp 00400F1B mov [ebp+10],#0//怪物打我们0血 nop nop mov [ebp-0000016c],eax//hook倍功偏移 push x1+6// ret nop nop [DISABLE] x1://hook基址 db 89 B5 94 FE FF FF 85 F6 75 09
  • 4
  • 0
    [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,2048) label(returnhere) label(originalcode) label(exit) newmem: originalcode: mov edx,#0//1是弱怪 0自动秒 push edx mov ecx,esi call 01958B80 exit: jmp returnhere 01A723EF: jmp newmem nop nop nop returnhere: [DISABLE] dealloc(newmem) 01A723EF: push edx mov ecx,esi call 01958B80 //Alt: db 52 8B CE E8 89 67 EE FF
  • 0
    [ENABLE] 022D0940: jmp 00400500 nop nop nop nop 00400500: push eax push ecx push esi push edi mov eax,[03C3C280] xor eax,ebp push eax mov [ebp+c],#1//等级 lea eax,[ebp-0C] mov fs:[00000000],eax mov [ebp+8],#1//怪物代码 mov esi,[ebp+08] jmp 022D0958 [DISABLE]
  • 0
    血法师 26348 血蝙蝠 26345 血翼 26347 血地刺 26208 血蝠之舞 26248 血之牙 26247 噬魂囚 26384 炼狱 26385 炼狱 26210 狱血之狗 26211 魔仆狱狗 26386 一觉 26395 死亡之握 26396 死亡之握 26209 地狱冥狗 异元次法师 24202 普通攻击 26382 粒子束 26383 粒子束 26204 坠落 26205 虚影 26423 时空磁场 26246 迷雾 26387 万花镜 26394 异界峰群 26391 粒子风暴 26392 粒子风暴 26372 粒子波 26374 同上 26375 同上 26376 同上 26380 同上 26381 同上 26206 奈雅丽的飞刃 26207 奈雅丽的鞭子 26250 跃迁 26424 一觉 26425
  • 3
    首先 人物2D49DA8 物品栏 5b38+40+【c是物品栏1·10是物品栏2】 +2e0+3a8=十六进制00400500 +2e0+3ac=十六进制00400600 00400500=代码23501 缔造火球2
  • 5
    +c0c+28=(用+-1000进行微调)2字节 主要看装备属性进行修改 技能大小范围 技能伤害 技能持续时间 技能冷却 技能攻击频率 技能攻击次数
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    蓝kkk1 3-27
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    [ENABLE]//开始标签 〔〔〔〔人物〕+5b38物品栏偏移〕+c物品栏1〕+2e0〕+5a4: dd #怪物代码//0 //dd #代表整数类型 dd #怪物等级//4 //这个以怪物代码那个机制+4递进的 dd #怪物等级//8 //怪物代码机制+4+4 dd #怪物存在时间//C //怪物代码机制+4+4+4 dd #1怪物生效//4 //怪物代码机制+4+4+4+4 〔〔动态rcr〕+C〕+400: db #C3//db #代表十六进制数剧组类型同样可以机制+4递进 〔〔人物〕+武器偏移〕+1450无敌偏移: dd(float)0//dd(float)代表浮点类型 同样可以机制+4递进 [DISABLE]//结
  • 11
    +18+4+18+0=13《属性buuf》+18+4+18+4=24《属性抵抗》 +18+4+18+8=1百分比0直接修改 +18+4+18+C=-999 +18+4+4+4=4全屏敌人11全屏敌人 进图用属性攻击就是伤害999999
  • 6
    [ENABLE] alloc(newmem,1024) label(end) newmem: pushad cmp dword ptr ds:[edi+36C],7733 jne end mov esi,[edi+3AC] mov [esi+0],#20022 //skill m

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