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    时间回溯到1993年,也许有一些人还记得,当时22岁的青年黄新楚(Josef Ng),在马林百列百汇广场的舞台上,为了抒发对12名同性恋者被捕一事的愤怒,当众剃掉了Y毛。黄新楚的表演全长约20分钟,但背对公众,露出臀部,剪掉Y毛的部分只有30秒。其后,黄新楚因在公共场所做出“骚扰公众”的举动,被罚款1000元。这起事件也促使政府推行10年的行为艺术拨款限制,直到2003年政府接受审查检讨委员会的建议,取消对这种艺术表演形式的赞助限制。 问及罗
    吾问ddd 4-15
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    Chancre (2011) An excerpt from Chancre (Note: Graphic content) Country of Production: USA / Singapore Duration: 16 minutes 55 seconds Language: English Shooting Format: HD Video / 16mm / Super 8 Chancre – a painless ulceration formed during the primary stage of syphilis. A transmission and transmutation of a memory couched in shame. This video includes, among others, excerpts of text from The Writings of a Savage by Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) detailing his experiences in Tahiti and a passage from Malay Magic (1900) by Walter William Skeat, which describes a female vampire known in Malay folk
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    Legal Tender (2011) An audio-based private performance Date: April 30, 2011 Time: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Venue: Next: The Invitational Exhibition of Emerging Art (Art Chicago), Merchandise Mart In partnership with Adam Van Eeckhout Part of Tender Exchange, a 5-day collaboratively curated exhibition curated by Ariel L. Pittman, Bonnie O’Donoghue, Joseph G. Cruz and Joe Mault featuring work by Scott Carter, Molly Shea, Zihan Loo, Jennifer Mills and Sean Ward Tender Exchange is a collaborative, progressive installation composed of work by five artists pursuing degrees at the School of the Art Insti
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    Legal Tender (2011) An audio-based private performance Date: April 30, 2011 Time: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Venue: Next: The Invitational Exhibition of Emerging Art (Art Chicago), Merchandise Mart In partnership with Adam Van Eeckhout Part of Tender Exchange, a 5-day collaboratively curated exhibition curated by Ariel L. Pittman, Bonnie O’Donoghue, Joseph G. Cruz and Joe Mault featuring work by Scott Carter, Molly Shea, Zihan Loo, Jennifer Mills and Sean Ward Tender Exchange is a collaborative, progressive installation composed of work by five artists pursuing degrees at the School of the Art Insti
    7788破 11-6
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    罗子涵新片《Threshold 》(人质)预告片
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    UPDATE (31st Jan 2010): Threshold won ‘Best Script’ at the 1st Singapore Short Film Awards! More information here and here. Threshold has been nominated for 3 out of 10 Categories in the 1st Singapore Short Film Awards, namely ‘Best Script’, ‘Best Soundtrack’ and ‘Best Cinematography’. The SSFA Ceremony will be held on 31st January 2010, screenings of the 33 nominated short films will be at the Substation from the 25th – 31st of January 2010. Threshold will be screened on 30th January, at the 9 pm session. Click here for more information. Full list of nominees below… Best D
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    相当相当喜欢那段音乐啊 有人知道名字或者曲作者吗?
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    原文: ‘Threshold’ will be having it’s official world premiere at the 14th Pusan International Film Festival (South Korea) which will be happening from 8th till 16th of October 2009 . It will be screened in the ‘Wide Angle’ section – Asian Short Film Showcase 2, alongside fellow NTU ADM alumni Michael Tay’s ‘Respirator’. It’s an honor and relief to finally be able to enjoy ‘Threshold’s long overdue premiere in one of Asia’s largest film festival. The exact screening date and venue has yet to be released but check back for more information soon.在线翻译: '门
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    天生反骨的另类未来教师:敢TUO敢演的罗子涵 不管是电影还是舞台剧,刚毕业自南洋理工大学艺术、设计与传播学院的艺术才子罗子涵(26岁)所演出的大胆角色都让他一再成为媒体关注的焦点。 两年前,罗子涵在电影《快乐工厂》中豪放地三点全LOU;今年,他在舞台剧处女秀《上身不由己》里大胆演绎有XING虐待倾向的警察和乩童。但这位大家眼中的“豪放男”却觉得自己是一个含蓄,且理XING胜过感XING的人。 虽然罗子涵并不担心每每尝试这样尺度
    Elove影 10-5
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    子涵毕业继续走上导演之路 A private, invite-only screening of my thesis film ‘Threshold’ was held at the Gallery Theatre, National Museum of Singapore on the 26th of June 2009. Along with ‘Threshold’, the event showcased 8 other films from the pioneer batch of graduating students from the School of Art, Design and Media – Nanyang Technological University. Photos courtesy of Jia Liang. (私人邀请,我只筛选论文电影'门槛'举行了画廊剧院,国家博物馆,新加坡在2009年6月26日。随着'门槛' ,展示活动从8其他电影的先驱一批毕业
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    呵呵 耍耍大家 其实我也不清楚是否毕业 但是好像不是 是一组照片 来找找 大家喜欢的主角 在那个位置吧 记得回复哦
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                    好久没更新了,不好意思了,最近去子涵博客看了下,更新最新的消息给大家,也期待他的作品快点出世。 发点新照片,工作照 以及 去曼谷的照片 单 电影图片 这块艺术感真强 效果不错
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    Every now and then, this question will surface. Today it surfaced three times. The first time when I was reading the papers this morning about the debate over the Public Order Act in Parliament. The second time when I was watching the opening film of the 22nd Singapore International Film Festival - Sincerely Yours. The third time on the taxi ride home, as I was thumbing through “My Creative Room“, where the 3 co-authors interviewed people in the media industry locally. The reason changes from time to time, the reasons now might not be the same as the reasons in the past. So here I am, docu
    犬丶少年 11-12
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    虽然子涵的博客有这些图片...但是怕有些喜欢的朋友 第一 打不开博客, 第二 免的找的麻烦..(我可是一篇一篇的看找呀找) 虽然有些愚蠢...但是为了大家 我把它贴出来和大家分享... 在看的同时你们会发现...什么是以前的 什么是现在的...还有他每张都笑的很灿烂
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    看了这些采访 特别是最后,他说不需要介绍他电影的内容和台词,因为会把人们的目光从画面上转移 而忽视了拍摄的技巧以及对电影的感悟 我当时看完了就有这样的感受,现在看了他的报道,我觉得我很了解,可能说很了解太过了,至少我懂了. 希望喜欢他的朋友 和 讨厌他,反对他的人看看 也许你可以看到他真的那么不讨你喜欢, 而答案在于你看完报道的想法...我不会说这是做作.因为他的确有自己的道理而是在于你是怎样面对的 下面我们来看看采访吧...前
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    说实话,前天看了他的两不作品,很不错,很有想法,特别是"单" 让我想起 卓别林演绎的电影 很不错哦 继续期待他的作品,也希望他能成为新一代的导演
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    “Past Caring manages to say very much with the barest of words. It skims through huge canvases of material, leaping lightly across themes such as race, migration policies, indigenous people and tourism…… Past Caring is a melodic, intelligent piece of work which fed this reviewer’s head and heart.” - Tara Tan, The Straits Times, Life! “Past Caring’s admirable political sentiments are told with quite a capable cast. Certain points of the play where a powerful performance is accompanied by an interesting visual dynamic - whether through lighting, multimedia or the constantly changin
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    英文源转贴: After over 2 years, the DVD is finally out. I just checked, pre-orders can be made online through Amazon for its release on 11th Feb. You can access the link here. The Product Description from the Amazon site: The DVD includes a bonus disc featuring interviews by Solos director/actor/screenwriter Loo Zihan with Ian McKellen and John Cameron Mitchell on many subjects, including coming out, being gay, creating choices, censorship, and ‘Solos’. Product Details : Disc 1 : Feature Film ( 70 minutes ) Disc 2 : Bonus Features include: - Deleted scenes -
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    罗子涵 BLOG   新博文 中英文版 英文版: The first images from the ‘Threshold’ Shoot - shot by Mintio The first part of the shoot wrapped just before Chinese New Year, busy editing the first cut of the short film now. It’s slowly coming together, bit by bit. We managed to raise enough private donations for the first leg of production, now looking at raising enough to complete Post Production, one step at a time. You can contact us at thresholdthefilm@gmail.com if you are interested in finding out more about the project. ---------------------
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    英文版: Threshold 人质 (2009) Original Title: THRESHOLD 人质 Country of Production: SINGAPORE Expected Date of Completion: April 2009 (In Production) Estimated Duration: 15 mins Language: English / Hokkien Dialect Subtitles: English / Mandarin Shooting Format: HDV (uncompressed) Director and Screenwriter: Loo Zihan Producer: Derrick Chew Director of Photography: Lim Teck Siang Production Designers: Annette Heitmann, Daniel Lim Music Composer: Lim Yi Benjamin Still and Publicity Photographer: Mintio Synopsis: Threshold – Nation before community and
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    英文 原文 Threshold Details Up! Threshold is currently in preproduction - to learn more about the film (synopsis and production team) you can access the page by clicking on the icon to the right of this post. We are currently raising funds to realize this short film - if you are interested and think this is a project worth supporting, you can choose to donate via paypal or by contacting us at thresholdthefilm@gmail.com. Please help spread the word! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possibly related posts: (automatically gen
    老杜的饭 11-10
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    由于电影《单》(solos) 还没有公映 所以片源也找不到 只好把 罗子涵BLOG 里面的电影《单》(solos)的图片发出来与大家分享 1楼小白
    佚名er 11-28
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    电影《单》(solos)官方网站 :http://www.solosmovie.com/
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    罗子涵的博客 和相关网页 全英文版 2楼上网页
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    老杜的饭 10-14

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会员: 喜欢子涵

目录: 个人贴吧