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0声音训练营,限时0元开放!学完后你可以得到: 1、优秀学员提供一次试音机会,通过就能录书挣钱 价值5000元内 2、有机会在在喜马拉雅、懒人听书等有声平台展示你的作品 3、收获一份有趣的兼职,和一个温暖的有声圈子
1computer simulation P27,the last line of paragraph one
2have sunk [sic] down the chart P19,line 4-5
3heads up P10,贰部5行
0我推荐一个贴吧,一个新建的贴吧,在哪里你可以下载原创有声文章,我是播音人之一,每天都会有更新都 记住是有声资源分享吧哦,去关注下吧
0fellow designers page fifteenth,line three
1True North, page ten,line three counting back
0come March, P7,line 4 counting back
0a whole bunch of thing, page 11,line2,the first para of Wink
0make a career in the civil service P38,line 3-4 of paragraph 3
0They don't run. P13,the last sentence of the first paragraph from Hushpuppy's dialogue
0the usual early morning stuff P4,the third line
0(a) quick question P19,the first line
0my start-up stories P14,the title
0a strict master plan P39,line 4 from the last paragraph
0a breast implant operation P36,line 1
0sb's home studio P23,the third line counting back
0the Federal Office Building P46,line two of paragraph three
0the general public P22,the forth line
0Greek parties P24,line two
0have access to education P38,line one to two from paragraph three
0get by P20,the first line
0as we know P19,line 2-3
1Step With Me from Mika
0lay sth. out P18,line 5-6
0on and off the runway P16,the last line
0what's the point? P11,the second line count backwards of David:He paragraph
3set out to meet P10,line twelve
2hang up P17,贰部首行
0be driven P17,line five count backwards
0get one's big break P16,line3-4
0check this out P11,the first line
0in addition to P34,the last line of the second paragraph from part one
1cater to you from the sentence "Don't sit back and expect your man to cater to you." P32,the third line count backwards of the last paragragh
0catch one's breath P28,the title;the first line of Part two;the first line of Part three. P29,the targets in this page are so many,find them by yourself,good luck.
2the justice P4,15行
0that's a guaranteed win P32,8行
0command performance P31,二段3-4行
0the pieces P29,贰部倒5行
0want to be acknowledged P32,二段4-5行 题外话,这篇文章的声线好激动…- -