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  • 15
    就是不知道发哪个专栏的东西。。。 She examines her own reflection in the polished wood floor with some anxiety. The glare of the yellow lights above her head cast an unnatural shadow beneath her eyebrows, hiding her eyes from view, but that cannot be remedied now and therefore she endures it without complaint. Her cheeks are sagging from the weight of enough powders and creams to erase every blemish, every imperfection from her skin. Her face, unnaturally burdened by the square, tasseled cap, appears small and pale and more than a little afraid. She discreetly stamp
    playmygame 11-12
  • 3
    欢迎大家来到E海涓流吧! 请大家注意,《E海涓流》是百度英语吧自创的吧刊,因此E海涓流吧的开通是为了给投稿以及讨论提供一个专区。E吧是英语吧的附属。 既然是投稿、讨论专区,请大家不要发与《E海涓流》无关的贴子。与英语相关的内容,包括广告,请发到英语吧: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%D3%A2%D3%EF 英语吧有专用的广告与交友贴以及详细的,请参考置顶导航: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=412457854
  • 12
    百度英语吧是一个活跃的互动地带。我们有这么多人,因此我们需要给自己创造更多交流英语、认识彼此的机会。 我们已经有了自己的征文大赛。只要有每个人的支持,我们也可以有自己的期刊。经过一番讨论,刊名暂定为“E海涓流” (courtesy to Monolog),取不积小流无以成江海之意,希望通过我们每期的精心介绍,大家对英语语言和各种专业领域、各国风土人情都有更深的了解。 1. 期刊的本意在于鼓励英语吧成员写自己的东西,因此所有内
    乖虞儿 1-31

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会员: 水滴

目录: 个人贴吧