51873扯淡为您倾情制作各类签名档 2L开始,留下你要制作的签名ID,扯淡制作 不收费哦45914题材来自d8184清平乐 冬元素 (百花齐闹,踪迹何处觅?风逆霜寒忽自变,恰是梅花开。 风吹飞雪薄情,梅落淡红暖心。迥临溪头无语,香气却满乾坤。)17rt256无聊之作..................10同意....7= =所以最近不能上电脑了5曲名:The foggy dew 歌手:Sinead O'Connor 专辑:kdbtest As down the glen one Easter morn To a city fair rode I, Their armed lines of marching men In squadrons passed me by. No pipe did hum, no battle drum Did sound its loud tattoo But the Angelus' bells o'er the Liffey's wells Rang out in the foggy dew. Right proudly high in Dublin town Hung they out a flag of war. 'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar. And from the plains of Royal Meath S66- -就3张 打击5RT 顺来膜拜一下...