260【全部来自视频节选,音质一般】 【想要的留邮箱~每隔几天我发一次~】 歌曲为【比赛四首歌】+【首支MV歌曲】
4I hope someday kiven or his fans comes here and wathches this messege,i wanna b ur friend,but i no it`s hard 4 me 2 done it,but i will wish u and hope u have perfict life,u no?many peoplz like u in China,really,and the....and we hope u come Chn 2 sing 4 us .thks...and wish u again.my MSN arsenalcob@hotamil.com.cn. wi like u.everybody likes u ...hoh.i almost 4get,i`m a man ,but im not a gay,i just like u as Chinese peoplz like u ....
3祝贵吧越办越好 欢迎参加艳姐生日会
43来自肯塔基, 来自美国达人, 来自抓鸡专业户, 的 感动~~~
21下 载 链 接 请右键【下载2】——目标另存为,不可用迅雷直接下载。【可以用此站专用工具】 ht啊tp啊://ww啊w.ray啊file.co啊m/files/6b16ec78-771c-11de-9e6e-0014221b798a/ 【注意!】链接请去掉【啊】字。 本歌曲为我自行截取自【[美国达人.第四季].Americas.Got.Talent.S04E03.HDTV.XviD-2HD】 【歌词里面有】
8美国达人第四季第十一集 Kevin Skinner & Lawrence Beaman入围Top40感人视频双语字幕版: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA5NDAxNzI0.html
1My friends.. I wanted to take a moment to go back to that minute of my first time walking out in front of roughly 6000 folks and those 3 judges. First, a dream is a condition or achievement that is longed for, a strongly desired goal or purpose of being. I wanted to explain why when old nick canon asked the reason for the tears after that very moment, Well it wasnt because that I had just wowed the huge crowd or the judges or a nation, but the feeling of being accepted after almost giving up on a dream that didnt have a price tag and was given to me by the good lord above and not some banker o
6【来自Kevin的Facebook】 I want to say THANKS to ALL my fans that have been supporting me all around the world. I know this because I've been reading your fanmail!I am busy writing new material for my next CD. It feels good to know thru reading the countless letters from all my fans that you guys relate to and love so much the songs that I write. I also want to personally thank soem of country musics Legends such as George Jones, Willie Nelson, and Garth Brooks for laying the foundation for country music and giving me the chance and honor to have known them, and even
1Kevin Skinner 的样子有点像 T-bag ,有木有?!
0求Kevin Skinner的所有歌曲的MP格式歌曲。版主那个帖子留言了。没动静啊。求高手帮忙。先谢谢了。276277624@qq.com
2发个帖纪念一下 同志们加油,吧豆快过期liao~~
2我要视频 和 MP3 谢谢 491354859@qq.com
5RT,超喜欢Kevin的嗓音,从直播时我听了他的歌就十分相信大叔会获得冠军. 出歌好慢哦,有没有类似的歌或歌手先过过瘾.
14第一首If tomorrow never come来自Garth Brooks,毋庸置疑的经典,感人至深,Kevin的声音比原唱更富有深情(原唱也不错)。我尤其喜欢Kevin的吉他伴奏,那真叫拨动心弦。 第二首Make you feel my love,原唱是谁我没搞清,但我听过好几个版本,唯有Kevin唱得最好,不过似乎唱得有点短,没怎么过瘾就完了。 第三首Always on my mind原唱应该是Willie Nelson,猫王也是翻唱,这可真是首经典老歌,如果Kevin唱好了,就能争取到相当一大批观众。我个人觉得Kevin完全唱出了
1我发现或许ks说不上是人人都会喜欢他 但他确实是那种无法令人讨厌的人!! 比如有些很红的明星 会有很多人喜欢她 但也总会有一部分的人讨厌她 但ks是不会存在哪些“反对者”的 这就是他的无敌之处
2欢迎加入新浪微博乡村音乐群 t.house.sina.欢迎.加入/g/5373 欢迎=com 加入=cn
9跪求Kevin相片,要求分辨率高的,我要打印海报! 手头上最高分辨率的相片也只能打印8寸的相片,跪求分辨率高的图片啊! 最好是写真!抱着吉他的那几张都超级帅! 谢谢哈!
23If Tomorow Never Comes 唱的比原唱好听多了~ 第一次听感动的我流泪 后面几次演唱这种感动就少了很多~ 一脸听了好几遍If Tomorow Never Comes 真的很棒很棒~ 附送地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA4MTcxOTQ4.html
1从YT上面下了几个视频 有他唱原创歌曲,还有唱那首sweet home alabama等等 http://www.youku.com/playlist_show/id_4808509.html
1《Like It's the Last Goodbye》 [Kevin Skinner] We got all night To get it right Oh, Baby don't you walk out on me Just take my hand Make me understand Cause darlin' it's your love that I need. (CHORUS) Cause I can't make it through One lonely night without you (One lonely night without you) Oh Darlin' how I need you by my side. I wanna feel your skin next to mine (I wanna feel you) Stare so deep in your eyes I wanna hold on tight Like it's the last goodbye Your lovin' ways I could never replace So, baby, wont you show me how you feel Just take my hand Make me understand Cause we don't need t
39kevin,you knowO(∩_∩)O~~,you are the best.
8{转} 东方卫视全新节目《中国达人》,该节目由《英国达人》的版权方英国Fremantle Media公司独家授权。据相关负责人透露,《中国达人》将从节目模式、舞美设计、评委设定等方面完全参照《英国达人》的模板,“英国方面已经派遣了制作 人员来到中国,为《中国达人》把关。我们在舞美上将参照《英国达人》的舞台设计,以简洁为主。评委人数上也将设定为3个,并且这三位评委要求稳重、大气, 参与比赛始末,不得更换。”虽然节目
21第一次关注美国达人的节目,就认识到了一个不一般的美国乡下人!他叫kevin skinner!当他走上台的时候,主持人说了句"他真是一个乡下人”!也许,正是因为kevin是从乡下来,才那么的可爱!走上台他说话的时候,那位女评委笑了,说“他是乡下口音”!我不知道在美国乡下人的地位怎么样,不过在中国,乡下人始终地位不是很高!kevin是多么的可爱,他说他的工作是在农场捉鸡!台下的观众都笑了,kevin却腼腆的笑了!当评委问他一天可以捉几只鸡8第一次 他彻底感动了我 第二次 感觉稍微差了点 第三次 你彻底让我失望1http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/lofiversion/index.php/t829794.html4…… 下载都废了……1