0经核实吧主shaywe 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 mattgiraud吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
310虽然人渐行渐少 但还会时不时的想起当初的感动 祝福大家吧 PS:等稳定下来后 会好好弄的96【说明】 为増加本吧的人气和点击率,扭转当前低迷形势,吧务组建立此楼。 【期许】 望各位麦粉,每天能在百忙中抽出2分钟时间到此楼签到,留下足迹。 【请求】 AI让我们认识MATT,而MATT让我们相识。作为粉丝,我们希望他的前途更加光明,当然,同时也需要我们的支持和帮助。所以希望各位麦粉能够有所行动,共同把本吧建立的更红火些。 &7曾经很火很火..现在还很经典的后街男孩~~~ 计划把九天里的MV全都搞下来 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 然后收藏起来~~~~1她演技扎实,做人低调, 她是我永远守护的天使~ClaireDanes ☆§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓§☆ ☆¨♥x2022;. ★ ♡她是《小妇人》中善良悲情的三女儿——贝思 ♡她是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中为爱殉情的烈女——茱丽叶 &n37shayne ward的一些超级sexy的图片 在shayne吧 淘的 唔唔 太帅了 我都流鼻血了1也希望大家都给意见54Matt参加了今年WMU的Bronco Bash!That is awesome!2邮箱:sophiadam@163.com 万分感谢!4Matt Giraud Single ‘Thank You’ Now Available on iTunes Jim Brickman’s new single, “Thank You” featuring Matt Giruad on vocals is now available for download on iTunes. The pretty ballad is currently in the Top 30 on the Adult Contemporary music chart. Brickman has had AC hits with artists such as Lady Antebellum and Martina McBride, so this particular hook-up is a very good thing for Matt!3Mad World by Adam Lambert All around are me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere And their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrows No tomorrow, no tomorrow (Chorus) And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which in dying Are the best I’ve ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It’s a very very, Mad world, Mad world Children waiting for the day the feel223No matter how much you do, it won't be enough for some. All you can do is keep going and thank the people who have your back no matter what! about 6 hours ago via Twitterrific Why are you singing to me in my elevator @KrisAllen ? You're so huge. ;) I just saw you on when I was 17 too! Heart breaker.. 3:58 AM Jun 13th via Echofon1RT~ 有的话发一下吧 谢谢了~~~691楼给熊熊吃0Alright guys! I gotta go back to the party! Much love and thanks for hanging out!35 minutes ago via web rachaelxgiraud @ImMattGiraud how many hats do you own? ;) @rachaelxgiraud about 30 42 minutes ago via web in reply to rachaelxgiraud (哇。。30顶帽子-0-) When I met Barry Gibb yesterday, for some reason he looked me right in the eye and said that I should be dancing...... Interesting.3:25 AM May 29th via Echofon (那麦麦有意进军舞蹈界吗?) I was at a little party last night where we ran into Archie. Also met the guy who created the iPhone.. (hugged him for a minute)1:2原来这么多人喜欢小马啊 啊哈哈哈哈 下雨天 听着他A.I时候的 MY funny Valentines42分05秒到2分08秒 大家仔细看了 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc2MzAzMzgw.html3Sunday 23rd May 2010 ImMattGiraud 23:04 I just saw that facebook is on the cover of @TIME I think They're a little late.. Wasn't the craze about 6 years ago?! Off to NYC for Oreo! from Echofon ImMattGiraud 21:54 @KrisAllen oh yeah great little place in Nashville.. Very hip and hard to find. Only the locals eat there. Very quaint. Chick-fil-A? from Echofon Saturday 22nd May 2010 ImMattGiraud 03:48 I'm playing at an event tonight for Ken Warwick (IDOL) and Nigel Lythgoe (SYTYCD) It's so gorgeous out here. C37额哦,,实在献丑了,,唱的过程很纠结,,我一边唱一边逮蚊子,,在我专注唱的时候果然,被蚊子咬了4口,,啊啊啊 因为,没有伴奏,所以,就直接就着matt的版本当伴奏唱了,然后最后存的时候把matt歌放很小很小声,不影响吧,,,囧个 没有后期没有效果,我不会这个东西,,, 好吧,大概算清唱了??!!额,, 下楼放,,,jesus,,,大人们拍砖吧,,,10今天搜到了很多关于4am的视频 包括mp3 结果发现我们的IP被封的一个都不剩了 果然和谐 和谐 把4am搞下来吧!1MattGiraud中国后援会 11074045031全都是iTunes上的哈~ 我给转成Mp3了 大家快来下吧 到时候该过期了…… http://www.rayfile.com/files/a9e9fff8-389c-11de-b3e8-0014221b7983Friday 7th May 2010 ImMattGiraud 22:31 So my new myspace is almost done being designed. It's really coming together! Next up.. WEBSITE. I'm so not a graphic desiger. #happyMGday from Echofon ImMattGiraud 12:02 It's Matt Giraud daaaayyyyy!!!! I'm excited and I'll just share it with the twitterverse and no one else : D y'all rock! I got some news 4 U from Echofon