14我觉得戴上耳机比较好听.. 唱得不好,请多指教! http://changba.com/s/t_xGsU9Oo1jU7XapjJ78AA?code=Gt1bjDM0qnEZAuy
311991SEAL the beginning deep water crazy killer whirlpool future love paradise wild show me violet 1994SEAL bring it on prayer for the dying dreaming in metaphors don't cry fast changes kiss from a rose people asking why newborn friend if i could i'm alive bring it on(reprise)
13喜欢Seal的朋友最好还是买CD,我找了个试听,供大家不方便听CD的时候听 Best 1991-2004 http://bnvcxsfgty.3322.org/?2882 不喜欢就别点!