0建设中 预计半年后略有小成
0亲爱的吧友: 您好,感谢您来应聘吧主职位。吧主,这一职位是贴吧不可或缺的一部分。贴吧因为您的关注和积极的互动,而变得更加完善,更加美好。 非常
0People die, so will we. Shank enjoys risk taking. He said that it's one of the few ways to prove himself alive. He rides motocycle, fast, f*
0Shank scores 180 in mensa test, which is the highest, and he finished within 1/4 time limit (30 mins to be exact). I believe that his IQ cannot be accurately measured by any existing IQ tests. We had a bet on who will score higher. And sure I lost, by 14 less than his. Oh well, it is so happened that our IQ scores are exactly the same as our height accordingly. But that's not a coincidence, just the law of large numbers. Those highly intellegent people tend to be fond of us, a lot. However, we lack the ability to communicate with people who speak through their pure gut feelings -- we cannot fi
0We are both in school's Defence Arts club, training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Art. Techniques are useful. Sparring is fun. My fa
0Alcohol has similar function as nicotine but the pleasure lasts longer. Drinking is also a necessary social skill. Through years of drinking
0We think too much, too fast so that we miss the pleasure of thinking nothing. Statistically, most males have a nothing box in their brains t
1Shank is my best friend, he made me who I am Shankism is the religion he created Shankism = awesomeness Believe in Shankism = Believe in wha
0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到shankism吧! 您可以在本吧内发表留言,并与其它来到这里的朋友分享交流。祝您在贴吧玩得愉快~ 贴吧楼委会