"'It's it, ain't it?' Some word, 'it'! In the dictionary, it breaks all records for usage: a personal pronoun of the third person and neuter gender used as a substitute for a noun; or representing something possessing sex where sex is not particularized or considered; or to refer to some matter not definitely conceived; or as the grammatical subject of a clause such as 'It is believed he is dead.' 'He is dead it is generally believed.' You can't smoke in here!" --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE.
"If that's life, I'll take the library." --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE.
"Love's a drug, isn't it?" --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE.
"A friend of ours wants to see us." --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE
"If that's life, I'll take the library." --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE.
"Love's a drug, isn't it?" --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE.
"A friend of ours wants to see us." --as Emily Sears in ADVENTURE