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GSM标准 GSM05.01 介绍主要概念
GSM05.02 从时间和跳频特性方面描述信道,并给出突发脉冲的数字结构
GSM05.03 规定了使用于各种信道应用的不同纠错和检错码
GSM05.04 规定GMSK调制
GSM05.05 与无线传输和接收相关
GSM05.08和05.10 主要涉及无线资源管理
GSM04.01 移动基站 - 基站系统(MS- BSS)的接口方面和一般原则
GSM04.02 公共陆地移动的GSM网络(移动网)接入参考配置
GSM04.03 从应用角度定义信道,并涉及蜂房信道配置的概念, 移动基站 - 基站系统(MS - BSS)的接口通道的结构和接入能力
GSM04.04    层1一般要求
GSM04.05 数据链路(DL)中层总的方面
GSM04.06 移动基站 - 基站系统(MS - BSS)的接口数据链路(DL)中层规范
GSM04.07 移动无线接口信令层3一般问题
GSM04.08 移动无线接口层3规范
逻辑通道的类型 SCH (Synchronization Channel) 同步信道
A downlink-only broadcast channel that carries an abbre-viated system identification and the current value of the BTS frame clock. This channel isused to sync the MS to the BTS frame clock and multiplexing structures. This is the firstchannel acquired by the handset.
FCCH (Frequency Correction Channel) 频率校正信道 向移动台传递频率校正信号,使移动台能调到相应的频率上
A downlink-only broadcast channel that produces afixed tone in the modulator. This channel is used by the MS to estimate the carrier frequencyand lock the handset’s local VCXO to the BTS’s OCXO.
BCCH (Broadcast Control Channel) 广播控制信道 用于广播基于每个小区的通用信息的信道
A downlink-only broadcast channel that carries detailedinformation about the BTS identity and configuration.
CCCH (Common Control Channel) 公共控制信道
A downlink-only unicast channel that is used to pageMSs and set up point-to-point channels for actual signaling transactions.
RACH (Random Access Channel)    随机接入信道 是一种上行信道,用于PAGING回答和MS主叫/登录的接入等。
An uplink-only shared channel used by MSs to request ser-vice from the BTS. Successful random access attempts are answered with resource allocationmessages on the CCCH.
SDCCH (Standalone Dedicated Control Channel) 独立专用控制信道 用在分配TCH之前呼叫建立过程中传送系统信令
A bidirectional point-to-point channel usedfor call set-up, registration, SMS delivery and other control signaling when a call is not yetconnected. The SDCCH is a functional equivalent of the IDSN D-channel, sometimes calledDm (along with the FACCH).
TCH (Traffic Channel)    业务信道 传输话音和数据
A bidirectional conduit for user voice and data (ie, user traffic). TheGSM traffic channel is the functional equivalent of the ISDN B-channel, sometimes calledBm.
FACCH (Fast Associated Control Channel) 快速随路控制信道
A bidirectional point-to-point control channelused for signaling during a connected call. The FACCH is a blank and burst channel thatoperates by stealing bandwidth from the TCH. The FACCH is a 

1楼2011-05-13 12:37回复
    functional equivalent of theIDSM D-channel and sometimes called Dm (along with the SDCCH).
    SACCH (Slow Associated Control Channel) 慢速随路控制信道
    A bidirectional point-to-point channel used forauxiliary signaling during any transaction where a TCH/FACCH or SDCCH is present. TheSACCH is normally used to carry system information and measurement reports related tohandover planning and link status. It can also carry SMS during an in-progress call. Like theSDCCH and FACCH, the SACCH is modeled after the ISDN D-channel.
    经典的通信流程 1. The MS powers up and searches its supported bands for the ARFCN with the strongest signal.This signal is assumed to be the beacon of a nearby cell.
    2. The MS searches (with a correlator) for the SCH on the selected ARFCN. (If no SCH isfound, the MS continues to try other ARFCNs according to their power.)
    3. The MS decodes the SCH to get BTS timing and syncs its local frame clock with that of theBTS. (The content of the SCH message is described in GSM 04.08 Section 9.1.30.)
    4. Having the correct frame timing, the MS can now demultiplex the BCCH. The BCCH iden-tifies the carrier and provides detailed information on the services offered by the BTS andthe multiplexing configuration of the CCCH. This information is carried in a series of SystemInformation Messages, described in several subsections of GSM 04.08 Section 9.1.
    5. The MS starts decoding the CCCH and sends access requests on the RACH. Each RACHmessage occupies a single radio burst and contains a random tag. The MS sends up to 8RACH bursts separated by random delays of 1-2 seconds while checking the CCCH for aresponse. The content of the RACH burst is documented in GSM 04.08 Section 9.1.8.
    6. The BTS receives a RACH burst from the MS and responds with a channel assignmentmessage (Immediate Assignment, GSM 04.08 Section 9.1.18) on the CCCH. In this messagethe BTS echoes back the tag and timing from the corresponding RACH burst so that the MScan recognize it. The message assigns the SDCCH for a transaction.
    7. The MS receives the immediate assignment on the CCCH and changes its multiplexing andpossibly its ARFCN to match the parameters of the message.
    8. The MS switches over to the assigned SDCCH, waits (with a brief timeout) to detect anSDCCH in the idle state. Upon verifying the SDCCH, the MS sends a Location UpdatingRequest (GSM 04.08 Section 9.2.15) containing some form of mobile identity.
    9. Assuming the BTS accepts the MS, it responds with a Location Updating Accept (GSM 04.08Section 9.2.13). The MS and BTS then close the SDCCH and release the associated radioresources.
    10. The MS is now “camped” on the BTS and continues to monitor the CCCH for Paging Requestmessages (GSM 04.08 Sections 9.1.22-9.1.24) associated with incoming (mobile-terminated)calls or text message deliveries.

    2楼2011-05-13 12:37