Roman law is the most flouring,the most complete law system in the ancient society.Its plentiful contents,deep legal theory and superb lawmaking technique have afftcted deeply on the producing of law in the future generations.Roman law is divided into person’s method,property method,procedural law by the order of rights main body,rights guest and private method protections.And the most important part is property method,ownership system is the most important part in the property law.In Roman law,the related law have existed.The flouridhing economy,prosperous international business are the objective conditions of the appearance and development of Roman law,and the experts of Romanlaw whose activites include such as writing are the subjective conditions.With the appearance of ownership theory,the legislation nominated.The ownership is an perfectly and freely right,but it will be limited by other’s rights,the interest of the country,moral integrity.After the appearance of ownership,the boundary of everyone’s property is definite,so the enthusiasm of creat social property is higher.Because of the limits to ownership and protections on it ,the order of social property is stable.The ownership im Roman law have affected deeply both to the ancient society and legislations of the future generations,such as Germany,France,Britain,America,and our country have been affected more or less.
Roman law is the most flouring,the most complete law system in the ancient society.Its plentiful contents,deep legal theory and superb lawmaking technique have afftcted deeply on the producing of law in the future generations.Roman law is divided into person’s method,property method,procedural law by the order of rights main body,rights guest and private method protections.And the most important part is property method,ownership system is the most important part in the property law.In Roman law,the related law have existed.The flouridhing economy,prosperous international business are the objective conditions of the appearance and development of Roman law,and the experts of Romanlaw whose activites include such as writing are the subjective conditions.With the appearance of ownership theory,the legislation nominated.The ownership is an perfectly and freely right,but it will be limited by other’s rights,the interest of the country,moral integrity.After the appearance of ownership,the boundary of everyone’s property is definite,so the enthusiasm of creat social property is higher.Because of the limits to ownership and protections on it ,the order of social property is stable.The ownership im Roman law have affected deeply both to the ancient society and legislations of the future generations,such as Germany,France,Britain,America,and our country have been affected more or less.