• Numbers or % of women, minorities in the company (especially management/executive level)女性所占的比重,公司中少数民族所占的比重
• Example of diversity methods? (training, mentoring, hiring, recruitment, performance pay for execs based on diversity)多样化方法的例子(培训、指导、雇佣、解雇、根据表现而付工资)
• How does company approach diversity?: “manage diversity,” “value diversity” or “manage for diversity?” (see book/lesson for meaning of these)公司通过怎样的方法来达到多样化?管理多样化,衡量多样化的价值或者说
一共三个问题 急用 谢谢啊
• Numbers or % of women, minorities in the company (especially management/executive level)女性所占的比重,公司中少数民族所占的比重
• Example of diversity methods? (training, mentoring, hiring, recruitment, performance pay for execs based on diversity)多样化方法的例子(培训、指导、雇佣、解雇、根据表现而付工资)
• How does company approach diversity?: “manage diversity,” “value diversity” or “manage for diversity?” (see book/lesson for meaning of these)公司通过怎样的方法来达到多样化?管理多样化,衡量多样化的价值或者说
一共三个问题 急用 谢谢啊