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10 By identifying two duties and three roles of two managers from the case study
explain why the job of a manager differs from any other job in an organisation.
11 Using Likert’s Management Systems Model:
a) Describe the approaches to management currently adopted by Neil and David.
b) Give two indicators that could be used to measure the effectiveness of the
different management approaches.
c) Explain how these indicators could be used to help the partners assess their
12 Why is it important to have an understanding of leadership when assessing the
management of an organisation?
13 Explain how David could use the approach suggested by John Adair to improve his
leadership style.
14 From the Contingency, Situational and Transformational approaches to leadership,
a) One theory that could be used to provide guidelines that might help David
decide on the right approach to leading the team.
b) A different theory that could be used to demonstrate the approach adopted by
15 Why are the theories you have chosen relevant to our understanding of the way in
which managers lead their staff?

1楼2011-06-27 05:44回复
    10 Main duties could be couched in the
    following statement as:
    ♦ achieving organisational objectives
    in a changing environment
    ♦ balancing efficiency, effectiveness
    and equity
    ♦ obtaining the most through limited
    ♦ working with and through other
    (taken from Naylor)
    Neil’s role is predominantly that of the
    visionary business developer and to
    this end he:
    ♦ meets with clients and suppliers to
    ensure successful completion of
    ♦ secures future business
    ♦ plans for new developments
    David is primarily the Staff Manager
    and his duties relate more to
    ♦ organising the work load
    ♦ organising and co-ordinating staff
    ♦ using systems to control staff and
    other resources to meet targets
    11a) Likert’s management systems:
    1 Exploitive authoritative
    2 Benevolent authoritative
    3 Consultative
    4 Participative
    Neil uses System 4 while David uses
    System 2.
    11b) Two from the following could be used:
    Productivity levels, meeting deadlines,
    management of time, motivation and
    morale of staff.
    Neil’s staff are more productive and
    faster at meeting deadlines. Through
    use of delegation there is more
    effective management of time. Also
    location of staff in civil area and the
    need to seek permission to leave the
    office mean that time may be
    unnecessarily wasted and the
    management style is creating
    11c) These could be used to help identify the
    effectiveness of each manager in
    undertaking his role, as described
    above and enable them to review their
    performance and make changes where
    For instance Neil could measure his
    ability to plan, be free to meet with
    clients and secure new work based on
    the amount of time he needs to direct
    his staff.
    David could measure his operational
    management by assessing how
    effective he is at ensuring high
    productivity levels, getting staff to
    meet deadlines and the motivation and
    morale of staff.
    DE3D 34: Managing People and Organisations
    Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units 23
    Question Theory Evidence from case study
    12 Leadership is about working out what
    is best for those under your charge and
    how best to achieve results. This role
    requires the ability to communicate
    effectively, motivate and create a team
    spirit. All of these skills are important
    aspects of management.
    13 Action Centred Approach
    This approach focuses on what leaders
    actually do and assesses a leader’s
    effectiveness based on their ability to
    meet three areas of need within a team:
    the task, team maintenance and
    individual needs.
    David tends to focus more on task or
    project needs and fails to identify,
    and, therefore, deal effectively with
    team maintenance and individual
    needs. By using this approach he
    would become more aware of team
    maintenance and individual issues,
    and as a result deal more effectively
    with them.
    14a) Vroom and Yetton’s Decision Quality
    and Acceptance approach
    Using this approach David could
    assess the effect his decisions have on
    improving performance, ie:
    ♦ how effective is the need for site
    visit approval?
    ♦ how effective is the current office
    location of the engineers?
    He could also assess the level of
    commitment to his decisions, ie are
    his decisions carried out by everyone
    in the firm?
    14b) Hersey and Blanchard Model There is evidence in the case study to
    show that Neil uses Telling style when
    issuing directives such as working to
    the project quote, because he, as a
    ♦ is in the position to make
    ♦ he uses selling when putting
    together a tender with those who
    couldn’t do it but are able to
    assist and are motivated to do so
    ♦ he uses participation with his
    team, who are able but possibly
    in need of reassurance
    ♦ delegates with Jack, who is able,
    willing and motivated
    DE3D 34: Managing People and Organisations
    Scottish Qualifications Authority Assessment Exemplars for Higher National Units 24
    Question Theory Evidence from case study
    15 The theories help us to provide a
    method of either describing or
    interpreting the behaviour of managers
    and to evaluate their effectiveness and
    offer suggestions for improvement.

    2楼2011-06-27 05:44