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Por qué àìñòùichweiß nicht.

1楼2011-07-06 13:11回复

    2楼2011-07-06 13:15

      3楼2011-07-06 13:15

        4楼2011-07-06 13:16
          么哒 我正在看你发的那个小正太贴——

          5楼2011-07-06 13:19

            6楼2011-07-06 13:20

              7楼2011-07-06 13:21

                8楼2011-07-06 13:24
                  a (a) The Spanish "a" is pronounced like the "a" in the word "father."
                  b (be)│ v (uve) The Spanish "b" (be larga) and "v" (be corta) are pronounced exactly alike. These letters have two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "m" or "n", the hard Spanish "b/v" closely resembles the "b" in the word "boy," except that the lips are held tense. In other situations, the "b/v" is pronounced like an English "b" in which the lips are not allowed to touch. (This is a sound that does not exist in English.)
                  c (ce) The Spanish "c" has two separate sounds, hard and soft. When appearing in the combinations "ca", "co" and "cu", the hard Spanish "c" closely resembles the English "k" sound. The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish "c" there is no puff of air, as there is with the English "k". When appearing in the combinations "ce" and "ci", the "c" is softer. Spaniards pronounce this like the "z", while Latin Americans pronounce it like the "s".
                  d (de) The Spanish "d" has two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after "n" or "l", the hard Spanish "d" closely resembles the "d" in the word "dog." The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish "d", the tongue touches the back of the front teeth (rather than the gum ridge, as in English). In other situations (particularly between vowels) the "d" is softer, closely resembling the "th" sound in the word "this."

                  9楼2011-07-06 14:28
                    e (e) The Spanish "e" is most often pronounced like the "a" in the word "date," except that it is shorter and crisper.
                    f (efe) The Spanish "f" is pronounced like the "f" in the word "fire."
                    g (ge) The Spanish "g" has three separate sounds: hard, soft and an "h" sound. After a pause and when followed by "a", "o", "u", and when following the letter "n", the hard Spanish "g" closely resembles the "g" in the word "got." The soft "g" sound is not like any English sound, and will require considerable practice. This sound normally occurs between vowels. Finally, when "g" comes before "e" or "i", it sounds like the "h" in the word "hot" except that it is "raspier."
                    h (hache) Like the "h" in the English word "hour," the Spanish "h" is always silent.
                    i (i) The Spanish "i" is pronounced like the "ee" in the word "see," except that the sound is shorter.
                    j (jota) The Spanish "j" is pronounced like the "h" in the word "hot," except that it is "raspier."
                    k (ka) In Spanish, the letters "k" and "w" are found only in foreign words. The "k" is pronounced like an English "k" without the puff of air. The "w" is pronounced like the "b/v" when it occurs between vowels
                    l (ele) The Spanish "l" is similar to, but not exactly like the "l" in the word "call."
                    ll (elle) The pronunciation of the Spanish "ll" can vary widely from region to region. Most commonly, it is pronounced like the "y" in the word "yes," or like the "lli" in the word "million."

                    10楼2011-07-06 14:29
                      m (eme) The Spanish "m" is pronounced like the "m" in the word "mob."
                      n (ene) The Spanish "n" is usually pronounced like the "n" in the word "not."
                      ñ (eñe) The Spanish "ñ" is pronounced like the "ny" in the word "canyon."
                      o (o) The Spanish "o" is pronounced like the "o" in the word "no," except that the sound is shorter
                      p (pe) The Spanish "p" is pronounced like the "p" in the English word "spot," except that there is no puff of air.
                      q (cu) The Spanish "q" -- which always appears in combination with the letter "u" -- is pronounced like the "k" in the word "kid," but without the puff of air.
                      r (ere) The Spanish "r" has two separate sounds, depending on whether or not it is the first letter of a word. Neither one of these sounds even remotely resembles the English "r" sound. When the "r" is the first letter of the word, it is trilled like the "rr", which is covered in the next lesson. Otherwise, the "r" sounds much like the "dd" of the word "ladder." (It's not exactly the same, but it's much closer to this "dd" sound than to the English "r" sound.)
                      rr(erre) The Spanish "rr" is a vibrating, or trilling sound. The single "r" is also pronounced this way when it is the first letter of a word.
                      s (ese) The Spanish "s" is pronounced like the "s" in the word "salt," except that it is a bit shorter.
                      t (te) When making the "t" sound in English, the tongue touches the gum ridge behind the upper front teeth. The Spanish "t" is produced quite differently, with the tongue actually touching the back of the front teeth, and without the puff of air that characterizes the English "t".

                      11楼2011-07-06 14:29
                        u (u) The Spanish "u" is pronounced like the "ue" in the word "due," except that the sound is shorter
                        w (uve doble) In Spanish, the letters "k" and "w" are found only in foreign words. The "k" is pronounced like an English "k" without the puff of air. The "w" is pronounced like the "b/v" when it occurs between vowels
                        x (equis) The Spanish "x" has three separate sounds. The first is like the "ks" in the word "talks" (examen). The second is pronounced like the English letter "h" and is reserved for certain proper nouns and words that are derived from them (México, mexicano). The third is pronounced like the English "ch" and it, too is reserved for certain proper nouns (Xitle, Xela).
                        y (i griega) The Spanish "y" acts as both a consonant and as a vowel. Earlier lessons on diphthongs discuss how the "y" sounds as a vowel. This lesson will focus on "y" as a consonant. As a consonant, the Spanish "y" has two common sounds. Depending upon the region, the "y" might sound like the English "y" in the word "yes" or the "j" in the English word "joy."
                        z (zeta) The Spanish "z" is pronounced differently in Spain than in Latin America. In Spain, it is pronounced like the "th" in the English word "think." In Latin America, it is pronounced like the letter "s".

                        12楼2011-07-06 14:29

                          13楼2011-07-06 14:37
                            Reik - noviembre sin ti La tarde se aleja(某个下午你离开了我) el cielo está gris,(天是如此的阴沉) La noche aparece sin ti(黑夜来临了而身边却没有你) callado en la playa(沉默不语地在海滩上) te lloro en silencio otra vez(又一次默默地为你哭泣) me ahoga esta pena no puedo vivir(你给的惩罚令我窒息而不能生存) las olas no me hablan de ti(滚滚的海浪也不对我说你的消息) sentado en la arena escribo tu nombre otra vez(我又一次坐在沙上书写起你的名字) Porque te extraño desde aquel noviembre(因为我想你,自从那个11月) cuando soñamos juntos a querernos siempre(我们依偎着梦见彼此会永远的深爱对方) me duele, este frío noviembre(而这个寒冷的11月你却让我痛苦) cuando las hojas caen a morir por siempre.. [coro]: Noviembre sin ti es sentir que la lluvia(没有你的11月感觉就像一场雨) me dice llorando que todo acabo.(你说分手后我哭了,一切也结束了) noviembre sin ti es pedirle a la luna(没有你的11月像在请求明月) que brille en la noche de mi corazón otra vez..(能够再一次照亮我心中的黑暗) otra vez..(再一次..) Quisiera decirte que quiero volver(我想告诉你,我想回来) tu nombre va escrito en mi piel(你的名字已经在我身上铭刻) ya es de madrugada te sigo esperando otra vez(现在天快亮了,而我依然在等待着你) porque te extraño desde aquel noviembre(因为我想你,自从那个11月) cuando soñamos juntos a querernos siempre(我们依偎着梦见彼此会永远的深爱对方) me duele, este frío noviembre(而这个11月你却让我痛苦) cuando las hojas caen a morir por siempre

                            14楼2011-07-06 14:37

                              15楼2011-07-09 20:04