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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi.
You: hu
You: hi
Stranger: How are you?
You: where u come from
Stranger: TX, USA.
You: i'm fine thanks and u?
Stranger: That's cool. Decent, thanks.
You: why thanks? i don't konw
Stranger: Hmm?
Stranger: Are you unfamiliar with English?
You: yes
You: i'm japanese
Stranger: Oh, I see.
You: hah
You: :)
Stranger: Sorry.
Stranger: I only really speak English.
You: i konw
Stranger: However I think Japanese is really interesting.
You: really?
Stranger: Yeah.
You: thank you
Stranger: No problem.
You: i live in china now
Stranger: Oh, that's neat.
Stranger: My one friend's boyfriend is living in China now.
You: yes
You: oh
You: which city?
Stranger: I'm not sure, only my friend knows.
You: oh
Stranger: He went to live with his mother, so.
You: do you know hong kong ?
You: i live in there
Stranger: Yeah.
Stranger: That's cool.
You: yeah
You: it's so beautiful too
Stranger: That's cool
Stranger: I would really love to travel and see other countries
You: oh,you have the opportunity to there
Stranger: I don't really.
Stranger: I'm too young to do things like that, and I know my parents wouldn't.
You: what's your age?
Stranger: 12.
You: oh!
You: really??
Stranger: Yeah.
You: you so cool
Stranger: Not really
You: you are a boy or gril?
Stranger: Girl.
You: oh
You: loli
Stranger: And you, if you don't mind my asking?
You: ?
Stranger: How old are you, and are you a girl, too?
You: 14,yes,i'm a girl
You: I think I can be friends
Stranger: Sure.
You: unfortunately, not a country
Stranger: Yeah.
You: do you in the primary school?
You: hi?
Stranger: I have to leave in a few minutes.
You: oh
You: 88
You: sorry , in china bye bye is say 88
Stranger: Ok.
Stranger: Thanks for the little lesson? Ha, ha.
Stranger: 88

IP属地:山东1楼2011-07-14 11:03回复
    im fine.thx and u?

    来自掌上百度4楼2011-07-14 11:24
      我遇到过一个九岁的USA萝莉问我什么是horny girl...我叫她baby的时候她还很抓狂的喊我是big girl!big girl!。。。。。

      7楼2011-07-14 12:39
        注意她说“how are you”很萌啊,现在我都不会说了XO

        IP属地:山东9楼2011-07-14 21:24
          注意LZ说im fine thanks and u典型教材式英语

          IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧10楼2011-07-14 21:28

            17楼2011-07-29 10:50