대학시험같이 중요한 시험도 뒤전에놓고 컴푸터만 자켰든 사람들
We are the persons who enjoy Junki’s information through the internet without any guiltiness even during the important exam time such as the entrance-exam to the university!
준기씨만 봐도 함성이 저절로 나는 사람들
We are the persons who will scream when we see any information about Junki, and the big sound can make all the ambient people dizzy!
담배를 끊어려다 준기씨와 함께피우고싶어 끊지않은 사람들
We are the persons who want to delay to quit smoking together with Junki, although we prepare to quit smoking right now!
잠자기전 자신이 가진 모든 준기씨의 사진을 한번보는 사람들
We are the persons who do skim through all the beautiful pictures of Junki before the sleeping!
모든준기씨 뮤직비디오를 친구들에게 예기하느라 목이말랐든사람들
We are the persons who can drink 4000CC water because of the explanation of Junki’s MV to every-classmates who enjoy Junki’s MV!
티비에서 준기씨이름만 들어도 달려가 엄마하고 네모콘을 빼앗았든사람들
We are the persons who will rush to the TV set when there is any report about Junki, so as to our moms are attacked by the heart-disease within an inch of!
남자친구가 준기씨나쁜말을 했다고 해여질뻔한 사람들
We are the persons who will break up with our boyfriends when our boyfriends say any bad word about baby Junki!
준기씨의 방송하나만 빠져도 밥이 않넘어 가는 사람들
We are the persons who will be too remorseful to have dinner because of the loss of one section-video of Junki!