英语吧 关注:1,539,722贴子:11,397,786
  • 4回复贴,共1
⒈ The MP4 belongs to (Joe). (对括号里的部分提问)
______ dose the MP4 _____ to ?
⒉ She’s the owner of the house . (同义句)
The house ­_____ _____ her.
⒊ 11 players make up of a football team . (同义句)
A football team is _____ ____ ___ 11 players.
⒋ That dictionary may be hers . (变成否定句)
That dictionary ________ ______ ______ hers.
⒌ We have used up all the food . (改成被动语态)
All the food _______ _______ ________ ________.­­­

1楼2011-09-17 20:49回复
    求答案 快

    2楼2011-09-17 20:50
      情景提示:Tom 在楼道里看见了一把钥匙,同学们议论纷纷,Lily说是Lucy丢的,因为看起来像她的,但John说是Kate的,因为上面有一个红线,Jim说不可能是Kate的,因为他刚才看见她用过,到底是谁的呢?最后,他们决定交给老师,在老师的帮助下,他们很快找到了失主

      3楼2011-09-17 21:20
        ⒈ The MP4 belongs to (Joe). (对括号里的部分提问)
        __Who____ does the MP4 __belong___ to ?
        ⒉ She’s the owner of the house . (同义句)
        The house ­__belongs___ __to___ her.
        ⒊ 11 players make up of a football team . (同义句)
        A football team is _made____ _up___ _of__ 11 players.
        ⒋ That dictionary may be hers . (变成否定句)
        That dictionary ___may_____ __not____ ___be___ hers.
        ⒌ We have used up all the food . (改成被动语态)
        All the food __has_____ __been_____ ____used____ ___up_____.

        4楼2011-09-17 22:15

          5楼2011-09-17 22:19