The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight:其实就是这部剧的名字,Doctor Who。
每次博士遇见陌生人,他都会说:I'm the doctor. 然后得到的回答都是: doctor? doctor who?!博士从没有回答过这个问题,所以,S6E08里面才有这些台词,“silence will fall
when the question is asked ”“ The first question.The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight”这个问题基本就是见面的第一个问题,显而易见却又被忽视。
然后S06E12的预告里面,也有类似的呼应“All the times I've heard those words,I never realised it was my silence, my death.”
难道那群人因为不知道博士的名字所以才成立了个宗教大费周章要杀他- -?这也太疯狂了吧~
立此为证 等待编剧公布答案
每次博士遇见陌生人,他都会说:I'm the doctor. 然后得到的回答都是: doctor? doctor who?!博士从没有回答过这个问题,所以,S6E08里面才有这些台词,“silence will fall
when the question is asked ”“ The first question.The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight”这个问题基本就是见面的第一个问题,显而易见却又被忽视。
然后S06E12的预告里面,也有类似的呼应“All the times I've heard those words,I never realised it was my silence, my death.”
难道那群人因为不知道博士的名字所以才成立了个宗教大费周章要杀他- -?这也太疯狂了吧~
立此为证 等待编剧公布答案