When you hold me like this 当你这样拥抱我的时候
so many memories fill my eyes 我的眼前涌现出很多回忆
the first time we kissed 我们第一次接吻的场景
the times we nearly said good-bye 我们差点分手的场景
but still here we are 可我们仍在一起
tested and tried and still true 历经考验 直面现实
and stronger than we ever knew 比以往更加坚强
Love is all 爱即所有
the laughter and the tears that fall 欢声笑语、黯然泪下
the mundane and the magical 平凡琐事 魔法时刻
love is all 爱即所有
all is love 一切皆是爱
the careless word, the healing touch 无心之言、疗伤之触
the getting and the giving of 付出及收获
all is love 一切皆是爱
there's a me you've always known 这是你熟知的我
the me that's a stranger still 可仍有你不了解之处
the you that feels like home 你给我归属感
and the you that never will 可却不是我的归宿
but still here we lie 可我们仍在一起
tender and trusting and true 相濡以沫 彼此信任
with everything that we've been through 在经历了所有风雨之后
[Repeat Chorus]
All the glory 所有的辉煌
all the pain 所有的痛苦
all the passion 所有的激情
that turns to ashes 那些消逝的一切
only to rise again 结果却再次重生
so many memories fill my eyes 我的眼前涌现出很多回忆
the first time we kissed 我们第一次接吻的场景
the times we nearly said good-bye 我们差点分手的场景
but still here we are 可我们仍在一起
tested and tried and still true 历经考验 直面现实
and stronger than we ever knew 比以往更加坚强
Love is all 爱即所有
the laughter and the tears that fall 欢声笑语、黯然泪下
the mundane and the magical 平凡琐事 魔法时刻
love is all 爱即所有
all is love 一切皆是爱
the careless word, the healing touch 无心之言、疗伤之触
the getting and the giving of 付出及收获
all is love 一切皆是爱
there's a me you've always known 这是你熟知的我
the me that's a stranger still 可仍有你不了解之处
the you that feels like home 你给我归属感
and the you that never will 可却不是我的归宿
but still here we lie 可我们仍在一起
tender and trusting and true 相濡以沫 彼此信任
with everything that we've been through 在经历了所有风雨之后
[Repeat Chorus]
All the glory 所有的辉煌
all the pain 所有的痛苦
all the passion 所有的激情
that turns to ashes 那些消逝的一切
only to rise again 结果却再次重生