泰坦之旅吧 关注:139,373贴子:4,403,057
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Q: Why doesn't my Mythic Formula take my item?
A: Mythic Formulas only take the highest-quality ingredients. They take two legendary items and one UberRare item--either a monster infrequent (a very rare, green, monster drop) or one randomized unique jewelry (rare unique items that spawn with affixes). The item must have two affixes. This will likely be the hardest to acquire. Also, monster infrequents and randomized jewelry don't reveal their affixes in game like other items, so the only way to know if your item is good enough is to see if the formula will take it, or check in TQ Vault. If you are farming for the item, just carry the formula on your hero; when the item drops, you can just hover over the formula to see if it qualifies. There is a mod for Underlord 1.3 that lowers the requirements to only double-affixed items (incorporated into Underlord 1.5).
这下可以确定 需要的特绿或可带词缀蓝紫物品 是且只要是任意双词缀 即可。。。
之前没看过有人提到过这个事情 特意来发个帖 如果火星了请谅解。。。

1楼2011-10-18 16:16回复
    对了 特绿必须是传奇难度的

    2楼2011-10-18 16:17
      (incorporated into Underlord 1.5).是不是1.5版本又改回来了

      IP属地:浙江3楼2011-10-23 18:54
        There is a mod for Underlord 1.3 that lowers the requirements to only double-affixed items (incorporated into Underlord 1.5).

        4楼2011-10-23 19:54