伏地魔吧 关注:21,583贴子:349,824



看到置顶帖忽然心血来潮,昨晚就开始构思。徐州今天一直在下雨,所以这篇文因为心情写的有些黑暗,有些血腥。觉的没事的就继续看吧~ 一楼给那个在微博上火到不行的度娘。

IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧1楼2012-01-18 17:42回复
    一: 我再次梦到了他。 在大雪纷纷扬扬落下的时候,我的汤姆,他站在十米以外的地方,他的肩膀被雪打湿,柔软的头发上堆积着白雪。他惨白的皮肤让我觉着他好像生病了。 我被铁链锁着钉在十字架上。为什么?我不知道。 雪越下越大,我的汤姆却仍站在那里。 我喊到,汤姆,你过来,让我吻你。 汤姆面无表情,他的嘴唇一张一合,我仿佛看到了他嘴唇上裂开的口子。 我喊到,汤姆,你说什么?我听不到。 汤姆抬头打量了我一会儿,转身走开了。 接着,天空上开始出现闪电,对,就在这大雪弥漫之时。我不顾雷电在离我五公分处炸开,我只盯着在雪中离去的我的汤姆。 汤姆的背影,是可以杀死我的风景。 二: 我把这个梦讲给艾米,我问她汤姆说了什么。她反过来问我,你认为呢?我想了一会,壁炉里的柴火被炸得噼里啪啦的响,像雷电。我说,汤姆说:我爱你,但我还有课。 我打赌艾米说不出比这还残忍的。 艾米静静地看了看我,她从她的床上跳下来挤在我身边,她吻了吻我的额头并抱住了我。 这是不同于汤姆的温度。 但她说,我认为他说的是:吃了你。

    IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧2楼2012-01-18 17:42
      八: 那个地方好远,我有些疲惫的告诉汤姆。 汤姆停了下来。 哦,不,我的汤姆,头好疼。 天旋地转间,汤姆最后给了我一个神秘的微笑。 也许是个惊喜吧,我用最后一点意识想出了合理的解释。 我期待着呢,汤姆。 九: 一片寂静。 我睁开了双眼,我看到汤姆面无表情说,惊喜。 他把面具为我解开,视线因而宽松了好多,我看到这里还有一个人,是艾米。 我想跟她打招呼,但,天啊,我被绑了起来。 我好奇的看向汤姆。 他露出了一个残忍的微笑。 他动了动手里的魔杖,一股轻幽的疼痛从身体里传了出来,我感到我的礼服正在被一种力量撕破。 我很清醒。 清醒的看到那颗正在跳动的心脏被完全摘除。它鲜艳的血滴在我被扯烂得礼服上并炸开了一朵朵美丽的血花。我嗅到了令人作呕的腥味。胃还在,因为我想吐。 我幽怨的看着我的汤姆。

      IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧5楼2012-01-18 17:47
        他把那东西递给一旁的艾米,后者应声而接,走了出去。 游戏的一部分,汤姆把头别了过去,冷冷的说。 我从冰冷的台子上站起,把破碎的礼服全都脱掉,任凭鲜血不断的从胸口上流到冰冷的地板上。我空洞的看着汤姆。 第一次,我从他的眼神中看到了不解。 我问他,你爱我么? 他后退了一步,握紧了手中的魔杖。他说,不爱。 我无奈的笑了笑走上前,我把沾满鲜血的右手放在我的汤姆的胸口上,我说,你撒谎,汤姆。 一颗心脏,两个心跳。 我的心脏在你那里,汤姆。 只有你能看到我,你懂了吗? 外面的晚会还在继续,音乐将永不停歇。让我用我流血的心脏陪你舞蹈吧,我的汤姆。

        IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧6楼2012-01-18 17:48

          IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧7楼2012-01-18 17:49
            我是本次吧刊责编……好吧……我二逼了……= =。过来看看……= =。

            8楼2012-01-18 17:50

              IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧9楼2012-01-18 17:57
                One : This time ,i dreamt about him again . The snowy day,heavily ,my Tom,he stands away from me,10m or so. His shoulders are wet,the snow falls over his soft hair .His pale skin makes me feel he catches a cold. I'm nailed by an iron chain.Why ?I dunno . heavilier and heavilier ,my Tom is still there. I shout ,Tom ,come here,let me kiss you . Tom is poker faced .His mouth open and closed .I can see the wound on his lips. I shout again ,Tom ,what are you saying ,i cannot hear you .

                IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧10楼2012-01-18 17:58
                  Tom raises his head and sizes me up ,then ,he turns away. Lightening appears ,yes ,appears with snow .Regardless of the sound bursting about five inches away from me ,i'm staring at my Tom ,who goes away in the snow . The view of Tom's back is the one could kill me. Two: I told this dream to Amy,i asked her weather she knew something about what Tom said.But she asked me back ,what do you think ?I thought for a while ,firewood in the stove kept on making some noise ,just like lightenting .

                  IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧11楼2012-01-18 17:59
                    I said ,Tom says ,i love you ,but i should go for a class . I bet Amy couldn't tell a crueler one . She saw me quietly ,jumping from her bed and banding together with me ,she kissed my brow and gave me an embrace. But she said ,i think he says :eat you . Three : I haven't told this dream to Tom.Even though he almost figures it out . My Tom ,he's always like this,knows everything . As to this ,i kiss my man on his cold lips ,is a bad thing .How could i dare to make you feel sad with me ?

                    IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧12楼2012-01-18 18:00
                      Five: I lie on the grass with Tom in front of the Forbidden Forest .This is the rare leisure time for us .Tom talks a lot about his recent magic achievements .He lies on my legs with his eyes closed . My heart keeps shaking when i see his resolute outline . I kiss his brow just like what Amy does to me . Tom opens his eyes and kisses me . Kissing with my Tom is the most beautiful thing in the world .The tip of his flirtatious tongue can always easily touch the softest nerve of mine .

                      IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧14楼2012-01-18 18:02
                        Seven : What i had foreseen happened .My Tom recognizes me at his first eyes .He goes through many ladies and gentlemen and finally holds out his hands to me . Music turns on . I hook his slender neck ,but i sense it's shaking ,like my heart . So ,Tom ,you are nervous . I give an enchanting smile . Tom puts his hands on my chest ,i can feel my heart almost beaten out of my body .I dunno what he's doing ,i pucker in a smile ,i think he wants me now . Tom whispers in my ear.

                        IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧16楼2012-01-18 18:04
                          I smell a disgusting taste .Stomach remains there ,cause i want to spit . I look at him piteously.He gives the thing to Amy and askes her to get out . A part of game ,he turns his head away ,says coldly . I stand up from the platform ,i turn off my torn gown ,regardless of the fresh blood flowing from my chest to the floor .I wear no face but look at Tom . It's the first ,i see the puzzled expression from his eyes . I ask ,do you love me ?

                          IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧19楼2012-01-18 18:07
                            He takes a step back with wand clenched .He says ,no . I cannot help but walk towards him ,i put my bloody hands on his chest . I say ,you lie ,Tom . One heart ,two pitpats . My heart's there ,Tom . You are the only person who can see me now . The ball's keeping on outside ,the music'll never relax .Dance with my bloody heart ,Tom .

                            IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧20楼2012-01-18 18:07

                              IP属地:北京来自手机贴吧21楼2012-01-18 18:10