你站在清阒的街道上,是否会感受到孤单 when you stand in the alone street,whether you feel lonely 我知道你的梦想,是这寂寥时光长河中,最后的微光 I know your dream, is the last shine of the time river 你灵魂的影子靠在墙上,对着月光,低吟浅唱 Y your soul leaned lightly against the wall,sang to the moonlight 我想你或许会唱,你彩虹色的希望,和轻悄流散的时光 Maybe you will tell me your iridescent wishand the time has gone by 如果可以,我愿为你种下一株郁金香 If I can ,I want to plant a tulip for you 然后再灰蓝苍郁的天空下,听你唱iridescent and I can hear you singing the iridescent 我想你是否会带上你彩虹色的希望,亲吻岁月留下的烙伤 I do not know whether you will take your colorful wish and kiss the scar of the years 你灵魂的影子靠在墙上,观望尚明如河流静静流淌 your soul leaned lightly against the wall,saw the life just like a river 我梦想,在黄昏后等到日落斜光,听你轻声酣睡呓语 That is my dream,waiting for the sunbeam after dusk,then I can hear your crazy talk 直到哪一天,我不再能够寻见你的踪迹 Someday,I could not find you anywhere 那我会像德里克加曼那样,在你爬满青藤的墓前 I will do something like Karmen,I will put the 放下一株飞燕草,一片蓝色 delbine on your tomb,just full of blue 然后坐在钴蓝的天空下,看温柔的令人落泪的田野 Then I sit down on the blue sky,see the fields that make me sad 维吉尼亚告诉我 Virginia told me 记住我们共同走过的岁月,记住爱,记住时光 Remember the years we have tided over together,remember the love,remenber the time 而我转身,发现你彩虹色的希望依旧沉淀在我记忆的长河里 And I turned back ,I found your iridescent wish still deposit in my memory 以此来保持河水,永恒的清亮 To keep the river clean forever.