流苏牌米粉吧 关注:806贴子:22,064

【情书】[11.10.26] 那些我们对有天的心意



1楼2012-04-15 01:07回复

    2楼2012-04-15 01:11
      Do you know what you should do now?
      Look around, find the first f1ower you see, face it,
      take a deep breath, watch the glamour of the petal texture, and smell it----even
      it doesn’t have a smell, you’ve touched the magic of nature and got
      must have been undergone a lot of pressure for the new drama recently, or maybe
      you are still overwhelmed by the circuit concerts when so many fans were zealous
      and enthusiastic for your performance. Well done!!!---- with thumb up. I
      understand you have a new round of US circuit concert show to prepare and the
      ongoing “Miss Ripley” is facing challenges from different sides. Just want to
      tell you not to push yourself too much! You are built on what you have been
      through and what you have experienced, you have accomplished and earned yourself
      a big chip. Every knock is a

      4楼2012-04-15 01:15
        Yes, every knock is a boost. The efforts you have devoted in every single act,
        everybody can see and we are so happy for your being admired by more and more
        people. Trust yourself as we’ve already watched your boost in “Sungkyunkwan
        Scandal”, and there is no doubt that your efforts will be appreciated by us in
        the new trial. Don’t push yourself too much, because all we wanted to see is how
        you interpret the human nature, the story plot, the complication of the world
        and love, in your own way; all you need to do is to show us your understanding,
        and take every opportunity as a boost to make what you are.
        you still remember what was said in “Sungkyunkwan Scandal”, that everyone is
        facing his own archery target in his own playground, that you have to shoot your
        target and decide your own destiny? I kept that in mind not only because it is a
        good line but because you make the character alive and bring vitality to the
        line. The way you express your feelings and understanding through the character
        have touched tens of thousands of audience, making them smile and think about
        their life target. So keep doing that, in a natural way, in your own way, take
        the new knock as a small boost and take it step by step. We have faith in

        5楼2012-04-15 01:19
          And please have a little healthy disregard for whatever comments might arise.
          Forget about the lousy issue, the legal dispute, and any discouraging news. Your
          fans from all over the world are building a community that is getting bigger and
          stronger, spring-board effect will be triggered because you have justice and
          support with you, and the other side, only got weakening tyranny that either
          legal or administrative instrument will be employed to deal with it. Attentions
          will be attracted from all levels of walks and classes to fight with you. So
          when you are in the centre of public voice, have a healthy disregard for
          whatever coming up, just stick with your
          The f1ower and fruit of your efforts are with you, we are with you, remember,
          even you cannot choose the best, the best chooses you. Keep the faith, and……
          keep the health!

          6楼2012-04-15 01:20
            Seoul International Drama Awards Organizing Committee
            Korean Broadcasters Association
            15th fl., Korean Broadcasters Center bldg.,
            932-5, Mok-dong,
            Yangchun-gu, Seoul, Korea
            Phone: +82-2-3219-5579(5587)
            18 August 2011
            Re: Thorough Explanation for Invalid
            Dear Sir or Madam,
            First of all, we would like to
            express our deepest gratitude for the pertinent measures that the Organizing
            Committee have adopted in response to volumes of complaints for the problematic
            ballot during Seoul International Drama Awards (SIDA) voting process. I’m
            writing this letter on behalf of tens of thousands of overseas fans of Korea
            drama to seek a further reliable resolution. The crucial issue is raised because
            it is not a simple voting error or system security flaw that could be easily
            compromised, rather, it begs the question whether the common ground of
            impartiality, objectivity and public accountability is valued enough in Korea
            media ethics.
            As evidence shows and confirmed by SIDA, unusual vote
            change was spotted at various time periods. Numerous voters witnessed candidate
            Park Yoo chun’s votes lost or subtracted, and Jang Keun Suk’s votes skyrocket
            within seconds. Such unusual events lead to recurring complaints on Korea.com

            7楼2012-04-15 01:23
              We do appreciate the rightful attitude and prompt reply by SIDA Organizing
              Committee and wish problems will be fixed soon. Moreover, facts should be
              revealed to show whether any of the provided information crystallizes into
              something significant, and responsibility cannot be diverted by vogue language,
              because the SIDA are designed to increase both popularity and influence of Korea
              drama, and ensure audiences’ trust in their accuracy.
              We therefore, sincerely request the Organizing Committee to provide a thorough explanation regarding following issues:
              I. To publish the ballot after clearing out the invalid votes.
              We understand that SIDA have concerns over internal database protection. However, the ballot result is bind to be published online even if no fraud conduct occurs, in the event that unregistered country codes/IPs were explicitly diagnosed and confirmed by SIDA announcement, the justified final tally is more than necessary to be disclosed in the public eye to ensure the credibility and truthfulness of the Awards. Every single voter has the legitimate right to require the justified ballot published, and it is the SIDA’s liability to disclose the exact number of invalid votes. The reasonableness of this request is further supported by evidence listed in the Appendix of this letter, and the fact that more than 13,000 vote gap was filled within 10 hours during early morning on 13 August 2011 in the voting category of “Best Theme Song” and likewise, more than 20,000 vote gap within 8 hours on 14 August 2011 in the category of “Best Actor”. The disclosure of exact amount of invalid votes should include all voting categories covering: best actor, best drama series, best theme song and best actress, especially the first three
              categories in which the unusual vote surge was detected.

              8楼2012-04-15 01:24
                II. To further investigate the screen errors and the issue whether actual votes
                were made to the intended candidate(s).
                The reason being that security vulnerability was reportedly proved possible through deliberate voting fraud changing the result by inserting hidden computer code that would add, subtract, or change votes. If it is mere screen error, why the misleading votes were removed from other candidate(s) to one specific candidate? The obviousness here is so suspicious that cannot be conflated or ignored. Reliance on the computer error and software malfunction for casting and recording of votes
                cannot account for the sudden rebound of vote for single person. We are keen to
                stress that there is moral outrage of some human being, instead of machine, that
                serve as the engine of lawlessness.
                III. To adopt effective means to prevent future tampering or fraud.
                To a lesser extent, the future system should introduce equipment or method such as requiring verification code input in/after the process of voting, etc.

                9楼2012-04-15 01:26
                  As the major gateway of Korea culture and entertainment portal, SIDA targeted
                  both domestic and overseas audiences. Please be assured that every media has
                  only its credibility and reputation to rely on. It is such a shame that
                  injustice has brought repeated humiliation to the special event, thus failure to
                  properly deal with the errors and complaints can have far-reaching effects
                  because SIDA connect themselves with the values, attitudes, or experiences of
                  the mass audience. And the audience’s perception decides whether SIDA is
                  reliable and qualified to speak on a given topic.
                  As Korea drama fans, we are not merely touched by some cute actors’ nice dance
                  or beautiful songs, but increasingly influenced and illuminated by the glamour of tradition and culture of Korean. There is no denying the fact that, drama, music, or any form of art, and the transmission of the art, is a language beyond any cultural barrier, and can reach the common understanding of human nature. This is
                  how cultural communication works more powerfully than hard weapon. A highlighted
                  drama series can shed a ray of hope on the hearts of so many people, not to
                  mention the impact of the icons representing typical Korean image. The
                  popularity of Korea Drama in the last few years already proves the widespread
                  recognition of Korea cultural expansion all over the world. This is why we do
                  not want to see the credibility of the SIDA jeopardised by false operation of
                  minority’s conduct. This is why public announcement without productive or
                  effective action can be disastrous for SIDA---- if, due to this accident,
                  audience and fans are suspicious that the systems are just as prone to
                  malfunction and fraud is reluctantly resolved, the Organizing Committee will
                  have to spend years rebuilding the public’s confidence.
                  The scalability of the unusual vote change is shocking, which is why this issue
                  requires SIDA’s serious attention. Without appropriate explanation, the
                  complaints will be consequential to trigger further confidence unrest and taint
                  the Awards purpose. SIDA should not bear false sense of entitlement, and should
                  stand as a laudable media leader to maintain a consistent implementation of
                  ethical standards, which influence your position and interaction with the public
                  and within the industry. Everybody is watching. Please ensure that voters and
                  Korea drama fans can depend on the safe and reliable medium and organiser. We
                  are looking forward to your soonest reply.
                  On behalf of
                  SIDA Overseas Fans

                  10楼2012-04-15 01:29
                    The core problem regarding how the ballot was altered or
                    manipulated can be indicated by screenshot evidence and claim chart, to name
                    just a few:
                    I. Suspicious dramatic vote surge and fluctuation for
                    candidate Jang Keun Suk (JKS) spotted. The defective voting can be exemplified
                    by one claim chart. (Source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1178412559)


                    11楼2012-04-15 01:30
                      II. The discrepancy displayed in the following screenshot may well
                      exemplify the incredibility of JKS’ vote. As every voter understands, to vote
                      for any intended candidate, one must first click “like” on Facebook webpage,
                      and then vote for the intended candidate. Considering the fact that many voters
                      were voting for multiple candidates at the same time period, the difference of
                      the “like” count must be more, or if not, at least equal to the vote gap of one
                      individual candidate’s. The highlighted discrepancy illustrates that ballots
                      were resulted from either computer error or human fraud. This is merely one
                      among numerous evidence discovered. (source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1175478449?pn=15


                      12楼2012-04-15 01:31

                        13楼2012-04-15 01:32
                          第一. 公布清票后的投票结果。

                          14楼2012-04-15 01:34

                            15楼2012-04-15 01:35
                              的选票波动和票数骤增变化可疑。以下趋势图可例证不正当投票。 (图表来源: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1178412559)
                              (图表来源: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1175478449?pn=15)

                              16楼2012-04-15 01:36