一 外部环境
根据波特猫新出台的补完资料来看,马尔福这个姓氏来自古法语,意为“不诚实”(Bad faith,背信弃义)。这个家族在10个世纪以前来到大不列颠,并通过对当时的麻瓜当权者提供服务得到了威尔特郡的封地(即后来的马尔福庄园)。在此后漫长的近7个世纪的时间里,马尔福家族一直与麻瓜当权者保持密切的往来关系。波特猫里有这样一句话:
【In spite of their espousal of pure-blood values and their undoubtedly genuine belief in wizards' superiority over Muggles, the Malfoys have never been above ingratiating themselves with the non-magical community when it suits them.
【They performed an abrupt volte-face, and became as vocally supportive of the Statute as any of those who had championed it from the beginning, hastening to deny that they had ever been on speaking (or marrying) terms with Muggles.
【The family has, however, eschewed the somewhat dangerous practice of inter-marrying within such a small pool of pure-bloods that they become enfeebled or unstable, unlike a small minority of fanatic families such as the Gaunts and Lestranges, and many a half-blood appears on the Malfoy family tree.
【It is often said of the Malfoy family that you will never find one at the scene of the crime, though their fingerprints might be all over the guilty wand.(传言经常说你永远不会在犯罪现场看到马尔福家族的人,但是罪恶的魔杖上可是布满了他们的指纹。)】
一 外部环境
根据波特猫新出台的补完资料来看,马尔福这个姓氏来自古法语,意为“不诚实”(Bad faith,背信弃义)。这个家族在10个世纪以前来到大不列颠,并通过对当时的麻瓜当权者提供服务得到了威尔特郡的封地(即后来的马尔福庄园)。在此后漫长的近7个世纪的时间里,马尔福家族一直与麻瓜当权者保持密切的往来关系。波特猫里有这样一句话:
【In spite of their espousal of pure-blood values and their undoubtedly genuine belief in wizards' superiority over Muggles, the Malfoys have never been above ingratiating themselves with the non-magical community when it suits them.
【They performed an abrupt volte-face, and became as vocally supportive of the Statute as any of those who had championed it from the beginning, hastening to deny that they had ever been on speaking (or marrying) terms with Muggles.
【The family has, however, eschewed the somewhat dangerous practice of inter-marrying within such a small pool of pure-bloods that they become enfeebled or unstable, unlike a small minority of fanatic families such as the Gaunts and Lestranges, and many a half-blood appears on the Malfoy family tree.
【It is often said of the Malfoy family that you will never find one at the scene of the crime, though their fingerprints might be all over the guilty wand.(传言经常说你永远不会在犯罪现场看到马尔福家族的人,但是罪恶的魔杖上可是布满了他们的指纹。)】