Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, wanted to take her to pour at the table and then grabbed her ears, listen to her well pharynx sound, then pinned her, infringe upon her. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, wanted to take her trapped in sports equipment room, in the voice of the class in others outside, in the vaulting horse abuses on her, listen to her cry, dirty her sportswear. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to in the end of the class and she hid the import and export of the closet, looking at her want call but he didn't dare to call, but don't have the strength to resist the status of the infringing her anyway. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, in addition to the hidden her dress, and let her in the couldn't leave infringed on her, pass the medicine to want to come in. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to grab her on stage, the curtain in the corner, watching her fear of a large audience found out infringe upon her. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to on the bus touched her, let her clearly excited to climax but can only trembling beg for mercy, and then infringe upon her. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to take off on the balcony of residence in her pants and skirts, pressure in the air to the quilt, see her fear of being found infringed on her way. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to call her in the status of the absorption of her sensitive point, and then listen to the voice of her force a calm infringing her. Really want to infringe upon the building Lord ah, want to in her room for her to do good morning bite, listen to her voice with vague ZhiKai her parents, and then in her "hurry up" under the cry of the infringed on her