MiG's are the only plane that China has access too. It only has two missiles making it difficult to attack different targets with a single MiG. On the other hand in larger numbers they create firestorms like inferno cannons, which typically destroy any units that happen to get caught in its range. Even if the unit is not directly hit by the MiG, just being near the firestorm is enough to destroy any vehicle or infantry unit except the overlord which can withstand firestorms and attacks by MiGs. Typically MiGs should be paired in teams of two, this allows them to take out most ground units early on (marauders, battlemasters and crusaders/paladins can survive). So when attacking larger groups of units with a 4 migs, you have to decide if you would be better off trying to create a firestorm in the middle of the group (or the front of it depending on if it is moving or not) or selecting two points within the group of units to destroy and heavily damage the surrounding units. MiGs greatly make up for Chinas inability to cope with humvees as two MiGs will destroy any humvee and usually any other humvees that are next to the one fired on.